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2011年4月8日 星期五
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社評雙語道:解決渡輪困境 需要多種經營

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-04-08]     我要評論

 ■6條經重新招標後由原來經營商中標的離島渡輪,開始陸續加價,平均加幅約10%。 資料圖片




Diversification is the solution to problems faced by ferry companies

The HKSAR government has announced the tender result of 6 ferry services to the Outlying Islands. First Ferry and the Hong Kong and Kowloon Ferry will continue to operate the lines they are currently running but the fares will increase separately from 9.33% to 11.86%, and the fee for monthly tickets will also rise by 7%. Faced with rising operating costs and dwindling passenger numbers in recent years, ferry companies have to find new sources of income, otherwise, they may not be able to offset the pressure of rising costs. However, if they simply have the cost transferred onto the passengers and raise fares substantially, they will only end up losing more passengers, further trapped in a vicious circle.

Ferry services to the Outlying Islands have been under great pressure as the operations are confined to a single line of business which is affected heavily by the rises in both oil prices and wages in recent years. Some companies have already given up operating certain lines that incurred heavy losses. To keep ferry services in business, there seems no other ways but to allow ferry companies to increase fares. However, the crux of the problems of the ferry services is the fall in patronage. Increasing fares will further scare passengers away; it will only prove futile and fruitless. The key to all these problems ultimately lies in the ability of the ferry companies to create new sources of income and increase passenger number.

Ferry companies can start up commercial activities and increase income by making better use of the facilities and land resources on and around the piers. For instance, piers can be used to open stalls, malls and restaurants or even to develop commercial properties. The authorities should ease the red tape and make it more convenient for ferry companies to create new sources of income so that the rate of fare increase can be offset. Moreover, many years have gone by and the development plans for the Outlying Islands are still up in the air. The authorities should make detailed plans and develop the islands in a systematic way so as to give special characteristics to each of these islands. Revitalizing tourism on Outlying Islands will not only kick start the local economy but will also bring considerable patronage to ferry services. Operation problems for the ferry companies will subsequently disappear. ■Translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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