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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-07-08]     §Ú­nµû½×

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Curb the trend of young sex offenders

¡@A thirteen-year-old Korean boy sexually assaulted a five-year-old girl sharing the same ward with him in the Eastern Hospital last year. The magistrate denounced this boy's behaviour as disgusting; however, under the existing law, the boy could only be leniently sentenced to custody in a correctional home. It is now a trend that the age of juvenile sex offenders is getting younger and younger. The existing legislation that Òa boy under 14 cannot be convicted of rape* is obviously outdated and the authorities should make amendment to the relevant law as soon as possible to catch up with changes in society. In addition, more sex education should be provided for young people and the right attitude towards sex has to be established so that sex crimes can be prevented more effectively. The Hospital Authority should also strengthen the management of paediatric wards and examine whether there is any negligence in control and monitoring in order to prevent similar cases from happening again.

¡@In recent years, there has been an increasing trend that juvenile sex offenders are getting younger and younger. Each year more than a hundred cases of indecent assault committed by youngsters aged 14 or below are recorded. It has been explained clearly in the report ÒThe Common Law Presumption that a Boy Under 14 is Incapable of Sexual intercourse* published by the Law Reform Commission at the end of last year that the presumption is already out of date. The authorities should seriously consider the recommendations made by the Law Reform Commission and proceed with the amendment of the relevant law as quickly as possible.

¡@The puberty of adolescent comes much earlier nowadays and youngsters have easy access to pornographic materials in this age of the internet. Unavoidably, young people may be exposed to misleading information which causes them to commit sex crimes. Therefore, besides relevant sex education provided by schools, parents should as well discuss issues relating to sex with their children candidly. This will reduce the bewilderment and misunderstanding that adolescents have towards sex, and prepare them psychologically and physiologically for life ahead. At the same time, this can lower the risk of adolescents making mistakes relating to sex, and raise their awareness of protecting themselves.

¡@In another respect, the case exposes the danger of inducing sex crimes by indiscriminately putting boys and girls who are curious about sex in the same ward. The Hospital Authority should consider the seriousness of the problem and allocate resources reasonably. Boys and girls have to be hospitalised separately and put in different wards. Besides, the frequencies of personnel checking need to be increased and the situation of the wards monitored more closely.

¡@¡½Translation by ¶}©ú chi.ming818@gmail.com

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