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2013年1月23日 星期三
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-01-23]     我要評論

■香港蟬聯第十九年評為全球經濟最自由經濟體。圖為維港夜景。 資料圖片





Freedom is valuable but development is more important

The Heritage Foundation of the United States and The Wall Street Journal recently published the rankings of the Index of Economic Freedom and Hong Kong was ranked again the freest economy in the world for the 19th consecutive year. The fact that the free market of Hong Kong has gained international recognition and appraisal shows that the business environment here in Hong Kong still possesses obvious competitive edge. Surely, the market is not an all-powerful mechanism. Faced with the growing challenges of globalization and economic transformation, Hong Kong should remain vigilant. It should neither be complacent, nor should it hold fast to its status quo. Hong Kong has to duly handle the relationship between economic freedom and governmental responsibilities. The role and function of the government as a facilitator of economic development should be emphasized in order to accelerate economic development, actively improve people's livelihood and keep Hong Kong in the forefront.

While recognizing the position of Hong Kong掇 free economy, the Heritage Foundation also warns the government against the implementation of populist policies, which may affect Hong Kong掇 future ranking, and reminds Hong Kong to uphold the principle of 烑imited government*. Yet, if Hong Kong is to maintain its long term prosperity and stability, the first and foremost task is not only to pursue economic development but also to improve people's livelihood.

Moreover, the high cost of land in Hong Kong, the widening wealth gap and the marginalization of low skilled workers are all structural and deep-rooted contradictions in society. These cannot be solved by relying on the market alone. If the government remains inactive as an onlooker, these problems will only worsen to a point that is irreversible.

Therefore, while maintaining the basic characteristics of a free market economy, the HKSAR should not rigidly insist on the 烢ositive non-intervention policy* or simply adopt 涐nactive governance*. Neither should it carry out full-scale intervention on the market and have a finger in every pie, trying to be an 缹mnipotent government*. Instead, the HKSAR should take the approach in which 烠he government drives and the market operates*.(節自2013年1月11日香港《文匯報》) ■Translation by Tung-ming [ tungming23@gmail.com ]

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