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社評雙語道:Health insurance appeal drops with options suspended暫緩設高風險池「必保」 醫保吸引力減

■自願醫保計劃有助改善公私營醫療的失衡狀態。圖為上周啟用的天水圍醫院。 資料圖片■自願醫保計劃有助改善公私營醫療的失衡狀態。圖為上周啟用的天水圍醫院。 資料圖片

■Jeffrey Tse [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]


經過為期約兩年的公眾諮詢(public consultation)後,食物及衛生局於1月初公佈自願醫保(Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme)的諮詢報告。

該報告建議在2018年上半年推出有關計劃,市民購買合資格及有認證的醫療保險產品,可以申請退稅;但「高風險池」("high-risk pool")和「必定承保」("guaranteed acceptance")兩項重要內容將被抽起,為此業界人士和部分市民懷疑該計劃是否有足夠吸引力,能否產生應有成效。

吸引力低保費高 將難維持

香港醫療架構目前總體上運作良好,但公營醫療服務承受越來越沉重的壓力,許多低收入人士由於沒有能力負擔費用較高昂的私營醫療服務,只能在沒選擇的情況下長期輪候公營醫療服務,令公營醫院的服務長期嚴重供不應求,加上人口老化(ageing population)以及醫療成本上升,政府的公共醫療開支異常龐大。


因此,政府確有必要及早採取有效措施,改革(reform)醫療體制,改善公私營醫療服務的嚴重失衡(recalibrate the public-private balance)。而推出自願醫保,將有能力作出一定承擔的中等收入者,分流(diverted)到私營醫療體系。


應討論注資 體現決心承擔


但客觀而言,中等收入階層(middle-income group)交稅多,又沒有享受到多少福利,在這些方面適當補貼一些,也不違背社會公平原則。






After almost two years of public consultation, the Food and Health Bureau released its report on the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) in early January.

According to the report, the new scheme shall commence early next year, and citizens who purchased VHIS-compliant health insurance products could enjoy tax deductions. However, the 'high-risk pool" and "guaranteed acceptance" terms would also be dropped from the minimum requirements. Both the insurance sector and the community have voiced some concern over the attractiveness and effectiveness of the scheme.

Hong Kong's healthcare system is largely efficient for now, however the pressure on the public healthcare sector will continue to increase. As low-income groups cannot afford medical services offered by the private sector, they have no other options than to wait for public services.

Combined with the rapidly ageing population and escalating medical costs, the public healthcare system has been continuously overburdened while the expenditure for public health remains staggeringly enormous.

Plan hard to sustain on high premiums

During the 2016/17 fiscal year, the estimated recurrent expenditure for healthcare has been HK$ 57 billion, accounting for 16 per cent of recurrent government expenses. The amount is expected to increase as the population grows and ages. It is therefore necessary for the government to take early and effective measures to reform the healthcare system and to recalibrate the public-private balance.

With the introduction of the VHIS, demand from middle-income individuals could be diverted to the private sector.

As the government emphasises that the scheme is voluntary in nature, a balance has to be struck between the needs and interests of various stakeholders. Yet, the attractiveness of the current proposal is questionable as it only offers meagre tax concessions to buyers. If the scheme fails to attract the public, there would not be as much room to cut down premiums, thus compromising its sustainability.

Governmental investment shows resolve

Besides, the government also seems to have backed out from a plan to inject HK$ 50 billion into the VHIS, according to pundits. Some people might object to fuelling the scheme with huge sums of public money, as it would only benefit a fraction of the community.

Objectively speaking however, the middle-income group contributes most to the public coffers without enjoying much of our social benefits. It would still be fitting and socially just to subsidise the group in this regard. More importantly, the government could demonstrate its resolve while allowing more flexibility to the scheme by injecting sufficient funds.

When officially announcing full details of the scheme, the authorities should strive to clear the public's doubts and maintain effective communication with the society. The government should particularly step up its commitment to public finances and up the appeal of the VHIS, lest low popularity would render the scheme impracticable.


1. 雙軌醫療制度

2. 經常開支

3. 稅項寬減

4. 醫療架構

5. 公私營協作

6. 保費

7. 公眾諮詢

8. 承保範圍

9. 人口老化

10. 可持續性


1. dual-track healthcare system

2. recurrent expenditure

3. tax concession

4. healthcare system

5. public-private partnership

6. premium

7. public consultation

8. coverage

9. population ageing

10. sustainability

