許多人手機不離手,尤其喜歡玩網上電子遊戲,有不少人因此不能自拔(lose self-control)導致沉迷。世界衛生組織(WHO,World Health Organisation)將於2018年中發表的最新第11版國際疾病分類編碼(ICD,International Classification of Diseases)中,將「電玩失調」(gaming disorder)納入危害精神健康的疾病之一,是首次將電玩成癮行為正式列為精神疾病(mental health disorder)。若玩家連續打機12小時,便可能患上電玩失調,但需持續觀察逾一年以上才能確診(diagnosis )。
具三症狀 四道問題測失調
ICD是一項國際定義健康問題和疾病的標準,全球健康專家均會參考標準。美國精神醫學學會(APA,American Psychiatric Association)發表的《精神疾病診斷與統計手冊》(DSM-5,Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)指出,目前仍未確認電玩上癮是精神健康問題,不過在手冊的附錄部分提過電玩失調。
根據2009年在《心理科學》(Psychological Science)期刊公佈的調查報告顯示,約8.5%的8歲至18歲美國青少年存在病態電玩行為。
瑞士日內瓦大學(University of Geneva)教授巴韋利埃則認為打機也有好處,指出適度電玩遊戲是安全的減壓方式,並能加強手眼協調(hand-eye coordination)、培養解決問題的能力(problem-solving skills)和建立友誼等,關鍵在於時間長短。
Gaming disorder makes way into ICD list as a disease
【譯文】People are spending too much time on their mobile phones and online video games, and many are losing control and getting hooked.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) says it is considering listing "gaming disorder" in its 11th edition of International Classification of Diseases (ICD), which is to be published in mid-2018. This is the first time video game addiction has been officially recognized as a mental health disorder. If a person plays continuously for over 12 hours, he or she might be diagnosed this disorder, though the person should have been observed for at least one year.
Three symptoms, four questions
The latest draft of the ICD refers gaming disorder to a pattern of persistent or recurrent gaming behaviors. The three main symptoms of the illness are impaired control over gaming, increasing priority to gaming such that it dominates daily activities, and continuation of the pattern even if bad consequences occur.
The draft states that such pattern of behaviors could cause significant harm to individuals, families, society, academic progression and occupation. The WHO considers one year of consistent pattern necessary for the diagnosis to be made, but if severe symptoms are shown the time can be shortened. While it is believed that occasional over-long game playing would not result in this disorder- because many people do so to relax during holidays or at leisure time-it is deemed beyond control if continuing too long.
Professionals say ordinary people can judge whether they suffer from gaming disorder by asking themselves four questions: "Have you ever felt you should cut down on gaming", "have people annoyed you by criticizing you on that", "have you ever felt guilty or frustrated about gaming", and "are video games the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning".
You may also try to limit gaming activities to test their extent of control over daily life.
APA encourages further research
The ICD is well recognized by health professionals worldwide as an international standard to define health problems and diseases. So far, the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has yet to define gaming addiction as a disorder, but the term was once mentioned in its appendix.
The association says it hopes to encourage research on the subject to figure out whether classifying it a mental disorder is appropriate.
A study conducted in 2009 by the journal Psychological Science estimated that around 8.5 percent of the US youth of ages between 8 to18 had shown signs of behavioral addiction to video games.
But according to Daphne Bavelier, a professor at the University of Geneva, playing video games can be a safe way to reduce stress, improve hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills, and establish friendships; it all depends on the amount of time spent on the process.■龐嘉儀
1. 首個被醫學界納入為行為失調的成癮疾病是什麼?
2. 根據2017年一項大型調查顯示,本港有多少學童患上電玩成癮?
3. 電玩成癮可間接導致哪些精神問題?
4. 打機也可變成職業,從事這項職業的人員稱為?
5. 除了電玩,青少年「沉迷上網」亦頗受關注,它的英文是?
1. 賭博失調(gambling disorder)
2. 近一成學童
3. 躁狂症(mania)、抑鬱症(depression)等
4. 電子競技選手(e-sports player)
5. Internet addiction(上網成癮)