【原文】因應流感爆發嚴重,兒童更是此次流感的主要受感染群,特區政府決定幼稚園和小學2月8日起停課(suspend classes)。
儘管有關決定表面看略顯突然(hurried),但正所謂人命關天,對於涉及公眾健康的事宜(public health issues),當然要以安全第一為首要考慮,而且有翔實的數據支持(solid data)及專家提供權威意見,停課不失為正確且必要的措施,有利保障兒童健康安全。
考慮到部分家長確實無法倉促請假照顧在家的子女,學校應盡量提供必要協助(assistance),讓學生和家長平安度過農曆新年(Lunar New Year)假。
幼小重災區 佔個案逾八成
衛生防護中心(Centre for Health Protection,CHP)公佈,截至本月3日,今年共錄得333宗流感樣疾病爆發個案(outbreaks),爆發的個案主要發生在幼稚園,佔43.2%,小學則佔40.5%,反映疫情爆發集中在小學和幼稚園。目前已經發生12宗兒童(paediatric)嚴重個案,當中2人死亡(lethal)。
根據港大深圳醫院(University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital)數據,內地1月28日後開始放寒假,之後流感疫情明顯受控;美國已有11個州停課,反映停課有控制疫情的效果。
事實上,本港2008年也試過停課抗流感,當時提早放復活節假(Easter holiday),感染數字明顯回落。
特首林鄭月娥表示,停課有助切斷感染鏈,同時停課僅屬於短期措施(short-term measure),政府會研究更好的計劃去應對日後的流感季節。接種疫苗(vaccine)是預防流感最有效的方法之一,而是次12宗兒童嚴重個案中大部分都沒有接種疫苗。
為防止學童成為流感的主要受害者,除了停課之外,當局更應呼籲甚至強制兒童接種疫苗(manadatory injection),增強免疫力,降低流感在學校傳播、爆發機會。
放假期間,學校應徹底清潔(thoroughly sanitize)校舍,確保校園環境清潔衛生。假期結束開學後,學校和家長仍須密切監察學童健康狀況,與衛生防疫部門緊密溝通,將流感對學生的影響降至最低。 (標題及小標題為編輯所加) (摘錄自香港文匯報社評 8-2-2018)
Sudden school suspension comes with sound reasons
【譯文】In an attempt to stem the current flu epidemic which affects children more, the government has decided to suspend classes in all kindergartens and primary schools from February 8.
Despite the announcement coming in a somewhat hurried manner, the government has nonetheless made the right decision by playing safe on public health issues. Combined with the fact that there are solid data and experts' advice backing the decision, the early closures are justified and necessary for the protection of our children's health and safety. As parents might not have enough time to make alternative childcare arrangements, schools should provide assistance as far as possible so that students could enjoy a harmonious Lunar New Year with their families.
Heavy tolls in primary schools and kindergartens
According to the Centre for Health Protection (CHP), 333 outbreaks of influenza-like illness were reported as of 3 February in the current season. Outbreaks occurred mainly in kindergartens and primary schools, accounting for 43.2 per cent and 40.5 per cent respectively. Twelve serious paediatric cases have been recorded, of which two were lethal. As children are more prone to being infected by influenza viruses, one outbreak could rapidly turn a crowded school into a hotbed for flu transmission. All these numbers justify the government's decision to suspend classes.
According to the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital, the flu outbreak in mainland China was clearly controlled after school winter break began on January 28. The effectiveness of class suspension in stemming flu outbreaks is further exemplified in 11 US states having also shut down their schools.
In fact, Hong Kong had also resorted to school closures back in 2008, where Easter holiday began earlier for the pupils. The measure was largely successful as the number of infections dropped significantly.
Forced vaccination suggested
Chief Executive Carrie Lam said suspension of classes would "cut off the chain of infection" and was only a short-term measure, and that the government would draw better plans to cope with seasonal flu in the future. Vaccination is known as the best way to prevent influenza. Most of the 12 seriously infected children had not been injected vaccine. The authorities have urged and even suggested manadatory injection for children to avoid major outbreaks in schools.
Some parents have complained about the abrupt decision. They worry about being unable to take day-offs for their kids. To dispel these worries schools should arrange properly the schedules of teachers such that they will be ready for help at school. During the break, schools should thoroughly sanitize the premises ensuring a clean and save environment; after the break, they, along with parents, should keep track of the health condition of kids and keep in contact with the relevant departments. ■Jeffrey Tse [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]
有校長坦言(confess),臨時得悉安排後,要急忙處理各類行政工作(executive work),過程疲於奔命,認為局方宣佈倉卒,但相信教界有足夠經驗與能力處理;有老師則指決定打亂學校原有安排,建議局方未來應預早(in advance)通知。