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ªiÄõ(Poland)¬Q¤é¬ö©À²Ä¤G¦¸¥@¬É¤j¾Ô¡]World War II¡^Ãzµo80©P¦~¡A¦b·í¦~¯Çºé¡]Nazi¡^¼w­x§ë¤U²Ä¤@§å¬µ¼uªºªiÄõ¤¤³¡«°Âíºû¶©¡]Wielun¡^¡AªiÄõÁ`²Î§ù¹F¡]Andrzej Duda¡^©M¼w°êÁ`²Î¬I®õ¦]ÁÚº¸¡]Frank-Walter Steinmeier¡^±a»â¥Á²³Á|¦æ¬ö©À»ö¦¡¡A¬I®õ¦]ÁÚº¸µoªíºt»¡®É¡A´N¼w°ê¦b¤G¾Ô±a¨Óªº¶Ë®`½Ð¨DªiÄõ¤H¥Á­ì½Ì¡]forgiveness¡^¡C


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German president asks Polish forgiveness 80 years after World War II outbreak

¡iĶ¤å¡jThe German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his Polish counterpart, Andrzej Duda, recently marked the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II in the small Polish town of Wielun, where the first German bomb fell 80 years ago. Speaking in front of crowds, Steinmeier asked for Polish forgiveness for the tyranny of the Nazi German troops in wartime.

Poland suffered greatly in World War II - about 6 million of its people were killed, equivalent to a fifth of the population, including its 3 million Jewish citizens. The commemorative memorial in Wielun began at 4:40 a.m., the moment when the first German bomb was dropped, and a minute's silence was observed in memory of the estimated 2,000 victims in the small town.

"It is the Germans who committed a crime against humanity in Poland. Anyone who claims it is over, that the national-socialists'reign of terror over Europe is a marginal event in German history judges that for himself," Steinmeier said in the ceremony, pointing a finger at the right-wing populist party Alternative for Germany, whose co-leader Alexander Gauland once called the 12-year in World War II a "speck of bird poop" in an otherwise glorious German past. Duda in his speech denounced Nazi Germany's attack on Poland, describing it "an act of barbarity" and "a war crime."

The capital of Poland, Warsaw, also held a ceremony later that day, with only a few major world leaders such as the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US Vice-President Mike Pence attended. Duda delivered a speech and appealed to criticize Russia's military action as a recent "return of imperialist tendencies" in Europe, which attempted to change borders by force and attack other countries, referring to Russia's aggression on Georgia in 2008 and its annexation of Crimea in 2014.

Pence praised the Polish people for their courage and contribution to fight for freedom, and felt honored to have the opportunity to speak to them.

Although 80 years have passed since the outbreak of World War II, Poland has been persistently claiming compensation from Germany for its loss of life and property in wartime, whereas some German simply think that the matter has already come to an end.¡½Ãe¹Å»ö


1. ¼w°ê¹ïªiÄõªº¤J«I¦b¾ú¥v¤W³QºÙ¬°¤°»ò¡H

2. µo°Ê¯Çºé¤j±O±þ¡]Holocaust¡^ªº®É¥ô¼w°ê»â¾É¤H¬O½Ö¡H

3. ²Ä¤G¦¸¥@¬É¤j¾Ô¾ú®É¦h¤[¡H

4. ­þ­Ó°ê»Ú²Õ´¦¨¥ß©ó¤G¾Ôµ²§ôªº1945¦~¡A¥H¨¾¤î¾Ôª§µo¥Í¨Ã¬°¦U°ê´£¨Ñ¹ï¸Ü¥­¥x¡H


1. ªiÄõ¾Ô§Ð ¡]Invasion of Poland¡^

2. §Æ¯S°Ç¡]Adolf Hitler¡^

3. 6¦~¡]1939-1945¦~¡^

4. Áp¦X°ê¡]United Nations¡^

