"Brexit is like climbing a mountain. We need vigilance, determination and patience."
不難想像,用攀山作比喻,即是說這個問題很困難、很複雜、不易解決。英文短語a mountain to climb(需要跨越的高山),就是指一件困難的事、一項挑戰,需要盡很大努力才可以解決。說某些人have a mountain to climb,要翻山越嶺,即是說他們要做的事困難重重、難以辦到,要達成目標,必須跨過重重障礙,要付出辛勞。
It is difficult to win the competition. There is a mountain to climb, but we can do it.
The government surely has a mountain to climb in tackling the housing problem.
If they want to reach an agreement by the end of this month, they have a mountain to climb.
高山大岳是mountain,相反,小丘土堆是molehill。Mole是鼴鼠,牠們視力十分差,住在地底,在泥土中挖地道居住。牠們挖出的泥土在地面堆成小丘,即是molehill(鼴鼠丘)。一座大山mountain和一個小土丘molehill,當然是相差甚遠。英文有句用語 make a mountain out of a molehill(把小土堆變成一座大山),說的不是從小做起,而是說小題大做,小事化大,問題本來只是一個小土堆,卻誇大成一座大山一般,指人作出過激反應,把不太重要或瑣碎的事情誇大成重大事件。
She didn't do very well in only a test and her mother made a mountain out of a molehill, not allowing her to go out with friends.
It's in fact a simple problem, not complicated. He is just making a mountain out of a molehill.
We have suffered a small setback, but let's not make a mountain out of a molehill.
小事毋須化大,not make a mountain out of a molehill,但是,如果真有困難要跨過,have a mountain to climb,則應該盡力衝破難關。就如歐盟巴尼耶所說,保持警惕,有決心和耐性地把問題解決。是艱難,但非不可能。■ Lina CHU
[ linachu88@gmail.com ]