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2006年11月17日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】


http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2006-11-17]


 1.I like all the things shown on television. (我喜歡看電視播放的所有東西。)

 2.Many people buy the things advertised in the newspapers.(很多人購買報刊廣告所宣傳的東西。)

 3.All kinds of interesting things written by famous writers can be found in this newspaper. (這份報章刊登很多名作家寫的有趣東西。)

 4.The things he said about his teacher are all untrue. (他所說關於他老師的東西全不屬實。)

 5.The article suggests two things. (這篇文章建議了兩項東西。)

 6.The things he put forward in his speech are not convincing. (他於演詞發表的東西不具說服力。)

 7.To be caught up in this kind of accident is a very frightening thing. (被牽涉入這種意外是可怕的東西。)

 8.The patient was cured by a new thing suggested by the specialist. (這病人被專家建議的東西治好了。)

 9. The most dramatic thing in the play is the murder of the main character by his son.(這話劇最戲劇性的東西是主角被兒子謀殺。)

 10. To lend a helping hand to those in need is a truly honourable thing. (伸出援手拯救有需要的人是值得尊崇的東西。)

 大家可留意到 “things” (東西) 這個詞用得太濫了,若能代入其他字,是否會更能表達句子的意思?試用下列建議代替每句的 “thing(s)”,便不致讓人覺得你詞彙短缺了!

 1. programmes 2. products 3. articles/features 4. remarks he made 5. ideas 6. arguments 7. experience 8. treatment/ drug 9. event/ incident 10. deed  ■韓Sir

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