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2008年5月6日 星期二
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2008-05-06]




Looking-glass Tree

• The Looking-glass Tree is a rare mangrove.It grows near the high shores of mangrove forests,and reaches up to 20m tall.In Hong Kong its distribution is mostly restricted to Sai Kung and Lai Chi Wo.

• The leaves are oval.Some leaves can grow larger than an adult man's palm.The under side of each leaf is covered with silver-white scales,probably giving rise to its Chinese name-"silver leaf tree".

• The fruit is a hard capsule,which is brown when ripe.The fruit has a ridge along the middle,rather like the human backbone.The empty cavity inside the capsule makes the fruit very light,and so enables it to float.The seeds are dispersed as the capsules float away from their parent tree. ■資料:漁護署

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