趙孟頫《飲馬圖》Zhao Mengfu's "Yinma Tu" (Feeding a Horse)
元 Yuan dynasty (AD 1279 – 1368)
紙本水墨 Ink on paper
遼寧省博物館藏 Liaoning Provincial Museum
Meticulously delineated in a strong and elegant hand, this line sketch depicts a groom feeding his horse with water. The man grooms sprightly and the horse is hefty and strong, resembling a steed of the Tang dynasty or the horses painted by Han Gan. The stableman's bearing and clothing are identical to those depicted in the Jin and Tang periods, indicating that this painting might have been an early work by Zhao Mengfu created in imitation of Han Gan's painting.
A descendant of the Song dynasty imperial clan, Zhao Mengfu (1254–1322), styled Zi'ang, was a master calligraphist, painter and man of letters of the early Yuan dynasty. ■資料:香港歷史博物館