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2009年12月3日 星期四
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英語世界:10 Words A Day: K to T

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2009-12-03]     我要評論

韓Sir 資深英語教師


1.Kow-tow (叩頭或卑躬屈膝)

 We should not kow-tow to an authoritarian government which neglects the well-being of its people.


2.Lackadaisical (沒精打采)

 The students looked lackadaisical; so the teacher took them out of the classroom to get some fresh air.


3.Monotonous (單調乏味)

 If you do not want to end up getting monotonous labour work, study hard and become a professional.


4.Notorious (聲名狼藉)

 That bar is notorious as a meeting place for drug addicts.


5.Obsolete (過時)

 With modernization and open-door policies, most developing countries have found their old systems obsolete.


6.Preposterous (荒唐)

 All students claim that the proposal to ban all soft drinks in the school is preposterous.


7.Quiescent (緘默)

 When faced with injustice in society, remaining quiescent is no option for a man of integrity.


8.Regurgitation (照本宣科)

 Traditional teaching advocates regurgitation whereas progressive education encourages critical thinking.


9.Scepticism (懷疑態度)

 We should read all research reports with a certain amount of scepticism.


10.Triviality (瑣事)

 Busy people like him has no time for trivialities.



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