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2009年12月9日 星期三
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Super Star Tutors

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2009-12-09]     我要評論


 ■Lily Poon

英語加油站  The education system in Hong Kong has always been criticized as being too exam-oriented(考試為本). Students have to finish countless homework everyday and prepare for exams till late at night. Since a heavy emphasis is placed on exam results, attending tutorials(補習班)in private institutes(referred to as "tutorial schools"(補習社))has become a phenomenon among secondary school students.

  Hong Kong people believe in working hard to strive for limited resources in this competitive society(競爭性的社會). When you read the newspaper, you can realize that anxious parents queue outside reputable primary schools to obtain application forms for their children is not fictional. Most of us still have a strong belief that good exam results are indispensable to(必須的)secure a place in university and to get a well-paid(待遇優厚的) job after graduation. The desire to obtain high grades in exams motivates(激發)thousands of Hong Kong students to attend tutorials after regular classes. Tutorial schools focus on teaching students the techniques of answering questions in public examinations and providing students tips or trends on which topics will probably appear in these exams.

  The tuition industry is perceived to be making enormous profit and has attracted newcomers operating in large and small scale. These tuition schools have created "celebrity tutors"(明星補習老師). Tutors of the large-scaled tutorial schools are often promoted as "super star" for their good looking faces and promising students to achieve As. Do you still remember a MTR commercial of one of the most popular tutorial school with their tutors dressed up like characters in Japanese comics(日本動畫)? Their personal photos and the subjects taught are seen on billboards, newspaper advertisements and on buses. As to many young people, these gimmicks(花巧招數)are definitely effective. Some immature(不成熟的)students even decide which subjects to take according to the appearance of the teachers. One of the most popular tutorial schools, King's Glory Education, launched a promotion plan that for every HK$1 fee the student had paid, he could earn a bonus point that could be used in online auctions(網上拍賣)for various items. Some schools award a few thousands of Hong Kong Dollars to students who achieve A grades even if they only take one lesson in these tutorial schools.

 However, the economic crisis(經濟危機)has caused setbacks(挫折)to the tuition business. Owing to the huge expenses on advertising, high rent and over expansion, many of these tutorial schools suffer from financial difficulties. Modern Education is planning to raise capital in the stock market next year as the first tutorial school to be listed in Hong Kong.  

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陳佐洱鍾景輝等 膺公大榮譽博士 (圖)
科大推侍學行 服務社會大眾 (圖)
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浙大第二附醫 慶建院140周年 (圖)
理大生設計鏡面錶 獲星火國際獎 (圖)
東亞運顯特色 興經濟旺旅業 (圖)
過往三屆東亞運的收入 (圖)
Super Star Tutors (圖)
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