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2010年1月7日 星期四
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時人時事:小童合製皮影戲 認識傳統藝術

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-01-07]     我要評論

 ■皮影戲是中國的傳統表演藝術。 資料圖片




Children Learn Stage Production in Leather-Silhouette Show Workshop

  To give the younger generation a chance to learn more about the declining performing art of leather-silhouette show, 70 children from the grassroots were invited to join the workshop "I love leather-silhouette" free of charge. The workshop makes use of shadow play production as a platform for cultivating creativity, and gives children an opportunity to write, direct and publicly perform a show.

  The workshop began at the end of December 2009 and contains 5 sessions. 70 children aged between 8 to 12 from The Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong, HOPE Worldwide, S.K.H. St. Christopher's Home, Fresh Fish Traders' School and Alliance Primary School(Tai Hang Tung)have been invited to participate. They are divided into 9 groups and each group will work as a team in producing a 5-minute shadow play. Their tasks include silhouette figure design and production, play writing, silhouette figure manipulation, screen design, dubbing and sound effect arrangement. To show their families and the public the fruits of their efforts, these children will perform their works publicly.

  Murphy Tsai, art director of Make Friends With Puppet, described leather-silhouette show as basically an art combining light and shadow. He said that as the children have total control over the movements of the silhouette figures on the screen, they need to think from different perspectives and take into consideration various factors such as light sources, colours as well as the sizes and shapes of the silhouette figures. It is hoped that the hands-on experience of creating a show story and of making silhouette figures will enhance the children's sense of achievement and self-confidence. ■Translation by開明

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李子建9月任教院副校長 (圖)
真光英語話劇 賀75周年校慶 (圖)
時人時事:小童合製皮影戲 認識傳統藝術 (圖)
遊花園:新興微型小說 速食文化恩物
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英語世界:New Year's Resolutions
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