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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-06-10]     §Ú­nµû½×





¡@If you stay away from the polluted city sky in the summer evening, you have no difficulty in finding Ophiuchus. In ancient Greece, Ophiuchus represented the healer Asclepius.

¡@Asclepius was the son of Apollo and Coronis. Coronis was killed for being unfaithful to Apollo. Apollo took the infant to Chiron, the centaur, who raised the boy and taught him the art of healing. On one occasion while Asclepius was inspecting the body of a boy who was drowned, a snake slithered by. Asclepius quickly killed the snake. Then a second snake came along with a herb and placed it on the body of the dead snake. The dead snake magically returned to life. Asclepius laid the herb on the dead boy who was resurrected too.

¡@Hades, god of the underworld, was outraged. He persuaded Zeus to kill Asclepius with a thunderbolt. Zeus placed the dead Asclepius among the stars as the constellation Ophiuchus.¡@¡½¹Ï¤ù»ïÁ¡GUSNO/STScI¡@¡@¡½ºÂªK±j¡@¸ê²`¤Ñ¤å·R¦nªÌ

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