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2010年9月9日 星期四
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社評雙語道:ECFA促兩岸雙贏 共享和平紅利

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-09-09]     我要評論



助台經濟增長 免被邊緣化


停向美軍購 建政治互信


Peace Dividend Shared by Mainland and Taiwan as ECFA Goes Ahead

 In a late night meeting on 17 August, the Taiwan legislature ratified the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement(ECFA). Taiwanese citizens who have supported ECFA, demanded that the fruit of economic growth from ECFA not to be used to purchase weapons, and stressing that the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait should "share the peace dividend". ECFA meets the objective needs of the economic development of both sides of the strait and facilitates to the greatest extent the complementary developments, mutual benefits and win-win situations between the two sides. The ratification of ECFA marks the beginning of the institutionalization of cross-strait economic and trade cooperation.

 ECFA has a practical significance that is particularly important to the economy of Taiwan. The economy of the mainland China is becoming more and more important in Asia and around the world, and the mainland China and the ASEAN have already initiated a free trade zone. With ECFA, Taiwan can save her economy from being marginalized. According to a think tank in Taiwan, with the introduction of ECFA, the exemption or reduction of duties will alone bring a benefit of NT$29.5 billion a year to Taiwan, the amount will contribute to a 1.65 to 1.72 percentage point increase to the growth rate of the economy, and a creation of approximately 260,000 new jobs. The peace dividend earned through ECFA will allow the grassroots of Taiwan to enjoy the fruit of cross-strait economic development and will also create a wider public support in Taiwan for various cross-strait exchanges. As many of the farmers in Taiwan are pro-independence green camp supporters, ECFA may help to end their hostility towards the Mainland and curb the influence of the "Taiwan independence" movement.

 As many Taiwanese ECFA supporters pointed out, the economic gains brought about by ECFA must not be used to purchase weapons. Upon the implementation of ECFA, the Taiwan authorities should stop purchasing weapons from the USA. This not only benefits the carrying out of social welfare policies in Taiwan, but also strengthens mutual political trust between both sides of the strait and facilitates peaceful development of cross-strait relations.  ■Translation by開明


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