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2012年10月5日 星期五
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社評雙語道:平衡各方利益 補償兼顧情理

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-10-05]     我要評論

■香港需要發展新界東北滿足未來人口需求。圖為新界東北地區。 資料圖片




Balance interests of all parties; be sensitive and rational in making compensation

The North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study conducted by the government has entered the final stage. On 21 September, the Sheung Shui District Rural Committee held a meeting with government representatives to discuss various issues which included compensation. Developing North East New Territories can increase land supply and satisfy the housing demand of the people; it is a move warranted by the domestic needs of Hong Kong. It is understandable for the affected residents in the areas to ask for relocation compensation. However, the authorities, while considering the needs of the residents, should also bear in mind that they have rules to follow and that they should adhere to the principles of using public funds wisely. The government has to be both sensitive and rational when dealing with compensation matters so as to ensure that the development of North East New Territories can proceed smoothly and that no unresolved issues remain to cause disputes that may hamper land acquisition for future development.

Hong Kong needs to develop North East New Territories to satisfy the demand of population growth in future. Currently, indigenous and non-indigenous inhabitants and other non-governmental bodies have all shown up to voice their opinions on the development of North East New Territories. Certain individual opposition groups used radical means to call for a stop of the plan. At the same time, some villagers complained about political parties and non-indigenous inhabitants who took the matter in their hands and voiced opposition as if they were representing the villagers. This is not just putting the demand of a small group of people before the overall interests of Hong Kong, but is also unfair to the indigenous inhabitants who own the land and wish to see development.

The concept of developing North East New Territories was first raised in the 1998 Planning and Development Study on North East New Territories (NENT Study). Now, after 14 years, society has reached a consensus and agreed that land supply should be increased for building public and private housing to meet the demand. It takes many years to build a new town and the public housing projects in the North East New Territories New Development Areas will not be completed before 2022. If the plan cannot commence in time, the problem of housing shortage in Hong Kong will never be resolved. ■Translation by Tung-ming (tungming23@gmail.com)


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