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2013年3月1日 星期五
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DSE中英應試攻略.ENG:排除不可能答案 清楚題目字詞意

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-03-01]     我要評論

■周潤發曾塑造不少令人難忘的影視形象。圖為《上海灘》中由周潤發飾演的許文強。 資料圖片


上期提到DSE英語閱讀卷一常考的字彙問題有4種問法,筆者亦於上期向大家介紹了其中兩種問法,現在我們一起來看看剩下兩種問法。請先閱讀以下的一段節錄(read the following excerpt):

Chow Yun-fat was born in Hong Kong of Hakka origin. He grew up in a farming community on Lamma Island in a house with no electricity. He woke up at dawn each morning to help his mother sell herbal jelly and Hakka-styled tea-pudding on the streets and in the afternoon he went to work in the fields. His family moved to Kowloon when he was ten. At seventeen, he quitted school to support his family by doing jobs including bellboy, postman, camera salesman and taxi driver. His life started to change when he responded to a newspaper ad and his actor-trainee application was accepted by TVB. He signed a 3-year contract with the studio and made his acting debut. With his striking good looks and easy-going personality, Chow because a heartthrob and a familiar face in soap operas.

問法3:Choose the right definition(揀選生字的正確意思)

Q3. Look at how the word "debut" is used in the excerpt and decide which of the following definitions below is closest in meaning.

A. Perform in the public for the first time(verb)

B. Perform in the public for the last time(verb)

C. A person's first appearance or performance in a particular capacity or role(noun)

D. A person's last appearance or performance in a particular capacity or role(noun)

遇到這種多項選擇題,同學可先刪一些不可能的答案。從文中可見「debut」的part of speech是名詞(noun)。所以A和B絕對沒可能。剩下只有C和D。答案C講的是一個人的「first appearance or performance」(首度登場或演出),正正與文中講述他剛簽約TVB,得到自己首度亮相的機會吻合。所以Option C是不二之選。

問法4:Choose the correct meaning of a word from a list of meanings.(選擇生字正確的定義)

Q4. In the last line, "heartthrob" means......

A. Aheartbeat

B. heart disease

C. sweetheart

D. heart surgeon

從文中可見,「Chow became a heartthrob」是因為他的「striking good looks」和「easy-going personality」,所以和答案A. heartbeat(心跳),答案B. heart disease(心臟病)和答案D. heart surgeon(心臟手術醫生)完全無關。靠著天生靚仔樣和易相處的個性,周潤發又怎可以不成為大家的「sweetheart」(甜心)呢?

 所以有時即使不清楚一個字的意思,同學亦可「靠估」找到答案。 ■馬漪楠 培正中學英文科副主任



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