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2013年9月11日 星期三
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-09-11]     我要評論

■一名巴西示威者則高舉圖畫,譴責奧巴馬若動武,會殺死無辜民眾。 資料圖片



The whole world will fall victim to Western military actions against Syria

According to Washington officials, less than 50 sites in Syria had been listed as military targets and would be attacked by Tomahawk cruise missiles within today (August 30th) the latest. It was stressed that the aim of 烑imited * military action was to 洖eter and degrade* the Bashar al-Assad regime. However, the rapid deterioration of the situation in Syria had already triggered a series of withdrawals of funds from emerging markets. Stock markets around the world also experienced a small crash yesterday (August 29th). Any military action against Syria carried out by US-led Western countries will possibly end up toppling the Syrian government. This will simply expose the contradiction in the words and deeds of these Western countries who had claimed that they had no intention to overthrow the Assad regime. Syria plays a very important role in the Middle East. A war, once started, will inescapably ignite the powder keg in the region and cause geopolitical conflicts to escalate. Eventually, the global economy will suffer. The international crude oil market, in particular, will be seriously affected, casting a shadow over the global financial market.

The crisis in Syria had already ignited the ammunition fuse of a market fluctuation and financial markets around the world had to bear the brunt. Yesterday, 29 August, a small scale stock market crash was triggered. Not only were the major markets and currencies of the Middle East badly affected, major stock market indices in Asia also closed lower and markets in Europe and America as well suffered. Affected by the situation in Syria, the stock market in Hong Kong followed the plunge in external markets and dropped 350 points to a 5 week low. The recent plunge in India and Indonesia may also infect other emerging markets such as Brazil and Turkey. In addition, the Syrian crisis deepens concern about oil supply in the international market and so will cause the oil price to rise. The continuous deterioration of the Syria crisis is going to cast a shadow over the present rebounding global economy. Then, fluctuations in the markets around the world will be inevitable, and this will give rise to more worries over the volatility of the financial market. ■Tung-ming [ tungming23@gmail.com ]



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