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2013年10月9日 星期三
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-10-09]     我要評論

■本港每日傾倒逾1.5萬噸垃圾。政府強調,徵費旨在鼓勵市民減廢,而非收取金錢。 資料圖片



Waste charging should be complemented by source separation

September 25th, the Council for Sustainable Development started the second phase of public consultation on municipal solid waste charging, proposing a charge of HK$30 to HK$74 per household per month. The proposal is now open for public discussion and at the same time three models to implement quantity-based household waste charging has been suggested. Waste charging can ease the problem of landfill saturation in Hong Kong. There is a lack of effective channels for the general public to separate garbage and so to reduce waste, so the effectiveness of the waste reduction programme is limited. The government should take the opportunity that comes along with waste charging and learn from the experience of foreign countries to promote the local waste separation programme and foster the development of the recycling industry. Not only will this help the mechanism of calculating waste charges as well as the reduction of solid waste, but also create more job opportunities.

Actually, most household wastes, such as glass bottles, newspapers, wooden materials, paper boxes, plastic bottles and aluminum cans, are recoverable materials that can be recycled and reused. Many foreign countries have long been implementing various kinds of waste separation schemes. In Japan, the waste separation standards are very stringent and well-defined, with recovery bins being divided into over a dozen categories. Singapore is now studying the introduction of a source separation programme and the establishment of a recovery centre. The Mainland is also building a recovery industry step by step. In the long term, the Hong Kong government should study the experience of foreign countries and introduce a mandatory waste separation and recovery scheme. It should also catch up with other advanced urban societies in ways of handling wastes and introduce measures to assist the development of the recovery industry. The government should give greater support to the recycling and recovery industry, provide financing to the industry in order to foster its development and so build a basis for sustainable development of waste reduction and recovery. This can turn waste into recyclable useful resources, ease the pressure on landfills, and nurture the growth of a brand new environmental protection industry. Then, the waste problem in Hong Kong can be completely solved and more job opportunities can also be created.(節自香港《文匯報》2013年9月26日) ■English Translation by Tung-ming



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