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¡i«÷¤@«÷­^»y¡jVertical word puzzle: Jobs (Answers for 6/1)


Instructions: Taking one letter from each line across, find 14 jobs (seven with 6 letters and seven with 7 letters) which answer the clues (information that helps you to find the answers). The first one is done for you.


A person who ...

1. paints or draws (ARTIST)

2. plants fruit and vegetables or keeps animals (FARMER)

3. makes sick people better (DOCTOR)

4. makes music with their mouth, like Adele (SINGER)

5. serves in a restaurant (WAITER)

6. takes people or things by road (DRIVER)

7. makes money from books, like J K Rowling (WRITER)

8. repairs teeth (DENTIST)

9. is the boss of an office or shop (MANAGER)

10. washes floors (CLEANER)

11. helps students learn (TEACHER)

12. makes houses or apartments, for example (BUILDER)

13. might play music in a restaurant (PIANIST)

14. makes pictures, like Picasso or Van Gogh (PAINTER)

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