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【社評雙語道】堅持防疫滴水不漏 祈願早日清零

● 本港強化了多項外防輸入措施,包括規定海外抵港人士入住指定酒店檢疫。 資料圖片● 本港強化了多項外防輸入措施,包括規定海外抵港人士入住指定酒店檢疫。 資料圖片





疫苗已經在全球多個國家及地區開始接種,內地也陸續有疫苗獲批上市,這是成功控制疫情的根本途徑。政府必須把落實和推廣疫苗接種計劃作為當前的頭等大事來抓,盡快落實採購、運送疫苗到港的安排,有需要時可請求中央協助,引進有效可靠的內地疫苗,增強對本港市民健康安全的保障。港人同心抗疫持續一年,眼前正是戰勝疫情的關鍵時刻,市民必須繼續配合政府,把各項防疫措施落實到位,確保滴水不漏,盡快實現本地個案清零,早日讓經濟民生、跨境人員往來恢復正常。 ( 摘錄自香港《文匯報》社評 2021-1-2)

Perfect anti-pandemic measures and strive for zero infection

【譯文】At the beginning of 2021, Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor uploaded a video clip of a conversation with Executive Council convenor Bernard Chan on her social media page, stating that the SAR government has already perfected its anti-pandemic efforts in terms of minimising imported cases. In the video, the Chief Executive also said that the government will step up its testing efforts to bring down the number of cases to zero, so that cross-boundary travels with mainland China and overseas countries could resume as soon as possible.

Hong Kong has been affected by the covid-19 pandemic for nearly a year, both the economy and the people's livelihood have been hit hard. Although the number of newly confirmed cases has decreased slightly in recent days, it is still too soon to let down our guard. The government should step up its anti-pandemic efforts and at the same time come up with a large-scale vaccination scheme quickly. Achieving zero covid-19 cases would be a fitting New Year gift to the people of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong recorded the lowest number of confirmed cases in a month and a half on 1 January, with 36 new local confirmed cases and 13 having an unknown origin. While it is good to see a decline in the number of new cases, it is worth noting that cases of unknown origin still account for more than 30 per cent of the total number of confirmed cases. More importantly, experts are worried that the number of cases might rebound after the holidays as citizens go outdoors for activities and gatherings. As Chief Executive Carrie Lam said, although the government has already introduced many rigorous anti-pandemic measures, the key to achieving zero infection is still the cooperation and self-discipline of the public. However, the implementation of the government's anti-pandemic measures is also an important aspect in the fight against covid-19. This is especially true after a year-long marathon fight against the pandemic, as many citizens are now experiencing anti-pandemic fatigue. At this time, it is particularly important for the government to strengthen its control measures.

On the one hand, there should be measures to prevent imported cases, and Hong Kong has already perfected these measures according to the Chief Executive. The government did strengthen a series of measures targeting imported cases since December 2020. These include mandatory quarantine in designated hotels for overseas arrivals, designated transport for inbound travelers, and extending the quarantine period to 21 days. These measures seem to be quite successful for the time being, but a leak-proof defence requires perseverance. In particular, the new coronavirus variant found in the United Kingdom has spread globally. As the new variant is even more infectious, there is a chance that personnel and vehicles involved in port quarantine work could bring the new variant into the community. The government must be cautious in formulating and implementing relevant guidelines as there is no room for negligence.

On the other hand, the government should strengthen anti-pandemic measures that aim to stop covid-19 from spreading among local communities. In December 2020, the authorities tightened mandatory testing measures and began to carry out enforcement operations. At the same time, the government is also planning to use Bluetooth technology to record the whereabouts of citizens with the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile phone app, so as to save the citizens' trouble of having to scan QR codes wherever they go. The government should expedite the implementation of these measures to ensure our defence against the pandemic is leak-proof.

Vaccination schemes have begun in many countries and regions around the world, and different types of vaccines are now available in mainland China. Vaccination is the key to getting out of this pandemic. The inception and promotion of a large-scale vaccination scheme must be the top priority of the government. The authorities must secure the procurement and delivery of vaccines to Hong Kong as soon as possible. The government can also request assistance from the central government when necessary to introduce effective and reliable vaccines from the Mainland to protect the health and safety of Hong Kong citizens. The people of Hong Kong have been fighting the covid-19 pandemic together for a whole year already, and the critical moment to overcome the pandemic has finally come. To achieve zero infection and hopefully resume economic activities and cross-boundary travels as soon as possible, the public must continue to cooperate with the government's various anti-pandemic measures.●Jeffrey Tse


1. 壎籵嬝@中心

2. 《預防及控制疾病條例》

3. 無症狀患者

4. 醫學監察

5. 健康申報


1. Centre for Health Protection (CHP)

2. Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance

3. asymptomatic patient

4. medical surveillance

5. health declaration

