韓Sir 資深英語教師
要學有關地震的詞彙,必須認識的是 “seismic”這個字根。 “seismic” 解作「地震的」,所以很多地震詞語都和 “seismic”連結,舉例如下:
seismic activity 地震活動
Seismic activity was detected in the area of Sichuan .
seismic data 地震數據
They have collected much seismic data to analyse.
seismic analysis 地震分析
With sufficient seismic analysis, further damage to the seismic area can be minimized.
seismic signal 地震信號
Seismic signals alerted villagers to the imminent earthquake.
seismic geophone (seismograph)地震檢測儀
If only we had more sophisticated seismic geophones !
seismic wave 地震波
When an earthquake occurs, seismographs can record the strength of the seismic waves.
seismology 地震學
The study of seismology enables us to know more about earthquakes.
Seismologists from all over the world flooded to the seismic zones to help.
seismic subduction zone 板塊沉澱區
The seismic subduction zones have shown signs of rapid movement recently.
seismic gap 地震活動空白地帶
The seismic gap in that area predicts future strong earthquakes.