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2009年2月19日 星期四
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英語世界:The cat got your mother tongue ?

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2009-02-19]     我要評論

韓 Sir 資深英語教師

  《經濟學人》("The Economist")周刊於評論特區教育的「微調」語言政策時用了 “The cat got your mother tongue ” 作為標題,幽了教育局局長一默,不單一針見血道出本地教學語言政策的矛盾,更巧妙地運用英語慣用語 (idiom),使文章更傳神,讀起來令人會心微笑。有興趣的讀者,可到此網頁瀏覽:www.economist.com/world/asia/displaystory.cfm?story_id=11554234


 “The cat got your tongue” 本意是「啞口無言」,描述人們面對問題時不知所措,無言以對,舌頭被貓兒吃了!本地潮語說是「O晒嘴」,也頗為貼切。舉例如下:


  “ What's wrong with you ? Look at all those red marks ! You failed all your tests ! Can you give me a good reason ? Say something... Has the cat got your tongue ? ”

 父親用「貓兒吃了你的舌頭」比喻約翰的緘默。其實他在說 :「你啞了嗎?為何不說話?」

  把 “The cat got your tongue” 變成 “The cat got your mother tongue”,便替這句用語套上新義,指特區教育局連「母語」(mother tongue)也讓貓兒吃掉,採用棄母語而重英語的政策。《經濟學人》甚至把這次「微調」稱為 “The Brits make a linguistic comeback” (「英國人於語言政策又勝一回」),可見「微調」建議「重英輕中」,已被國際輿論作為笑柄。

 英語世界內的慣用語 (Idioms) 和 諺語 (Proverbs) 是學習英語的人必須盡量掌握,寫作才能書到意隨,說話才能言簡意賅。能把這些用語適當地調校,作出種種變化而套上新義,則更上一層樓,使文章和說話趣味盎然,更顯英語的功力,正如把 “The cat got your tongue ” 變為 “The cat got your mother tongue”,是否精彩?

改寫諺語 生動有趣


1. 原句:Love all, trust few, do wrong to no one.

 改寫句: Love all, trust me !

2. 原句:Money isn't everything.

 改寫句 : Money isn't everything, but it sure keeps the kids in touch.

3. 原句:No news is good news.

 改寫句 : No news is impossible.

4. 原句:Strike while the iron is hot.

 改寫句:Strike while the bug is close.

5. 原句:Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

 改寫句:Don't bite the hand that is dirty.

6. 原句:Idleness is the root of all evil.

 改寫句:Idleness is the best way to relax.

7. 原句:When the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

 改寫句:When the blind lead the blind, get out of the way.

8. 原句:Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone.

 改寫句:Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you have to blow your nose.

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