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2009年6月23日 星期二
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Energy from pig slurry helps fight climate change

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2009-06-23]     我要評論

 The 2,700 pigs on the farm that John Horrevorts manages yield more than ham and bacon. A biogas plant makes enough electricity from their waste to run the farm and feeds extra wattage into the Dutch national grid.

 He even gets bonus payments for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

 "It would be absolutely nuts to ignore agriculture and forestry in any future climate deal," said Pete Smith, professor of soils and global change at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.

 U.N. studies say agriculture is the main source of income for one of every three working people. It also is a growing source of pollution.

 The latest research by the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization says animal husbandry accounts for 18 percent of all greenhouse gases, when taking into account the grassland and forests that are cleared for raising livestock.

 When the FAO report came out in 2006, "people in the livestock sector were shocked because they thought they did a good job," says Akke van der Zijpp, a professor of animal husbandry at Wageningen University.

 One way to deal with it is to reduce the methane animals produce by changing their diet or through breeding. Another is to make use of it and burn it.

 Horrevorts says Wageningen University's Sterksel Research Center creates 5,000 megawatts a year, enough to power 1,500 homes. The farm uses the electricity it needs and feeds the rest into the national grid, for which the government pays up to euro 177 ($238) per megawatt as a green energy subsidy.

 Pigs can be remarkably house-broken animals. Here, they drop their waste through slats on the floor in the middle of the barn while spending most of their time in open stalls to the side. The slurry is channeled into three 4,000 cubic meter tanks, then mixed into a thick goo with other organic waste like low-quality grain and carrot juice to increase the methane potential. Bacteria break down the material in a digester tank and the gas is siphoned off into a generator to produce electricity. AP

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