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2009年6月25日 星期四
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Father's cancer awakens son to filial duties

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2009-06-25]     我要評論

 Outside the operation room, Yeung Chi-yung could do nothing but wait. Memories of his father teaching him poetry when he was young sprang to mind. He was overwhelmed with regrets at how he neglected his filial duties and never told his father that he loved him. This is a scene Chi-yung will never forget. It happened several years ago when his father contracted cancer and survival hung in the balance. Luckily his father finally recovered and since then Chi-yung is never again reluctant to show his gratitude. He took his father to a trip in Shanghai. He comes home to have dinner with his father every night. He treasures all the valuable time they can be together and tries his best to save up all the precious moments of life between them. Don't give yourself a chance to regret and tell your father how much you love him on Father's Day, Chi-yung reminded sons and daughters over the world.

 Yeung Chi-yung is a secondary school teacher. In the past, the heavy workload in school had made him ignore his parents for he thought that they would always be around and chances would always be there for him to take care of them. It was not until his father was diagnosed stomach cancer with a survival chance of only 10% that he suddenly realized his father would not be there with him forever. Things are valuable only when they are about to be lost. It is unfortunate that his father has got cancer but it is fortunate that he has recovered. Chi-yung sees himself as one of the very few lucky persons because his love for his father awakens just in time and he can still make up for the time lost.

 Chi-yung was always around during his father's recovery period. He repaired his father's leather shoes and asked his father to fix his cabinet. He also collected things related to his father, even elegant handwritings he sketched on newspapers. He wanted to keep all these precious memories in mind so that he would not regret in the future.

 This is what Yeung Chi-yung wants to say to his father. “For more than twenty years you have raised me and now it is my turn to take up my responsibilities. I will live up to your teachings and contribute to society. In the days ahead, I will stand by your side and support you at all times. I will take good care of you as you had taken good care of me all these years.” ■translated by 開明

教院增學額 正名亮綠燈 (圖)
有助正名大學 教院師生雀躍
理大城大增副學士先修名額 (圖)
白先勇獲中大頒榮譽文學博士 (圖)
3千非本地畢業生 去年准留港 (圖)
研無線電合作式通訊 科大教授獲馬可尼獎
時人時事:慈父患癌 兒省悟盡孝 (圖)
Father's cancer awakens son to filial duties
風花歲月:慕田峪長城 如巨龍飛騰
文山戲夢:不肯犧牲 愛情難求
英語世界:流感肆虐 好書伴炎夏
星空故事:433號小行星--愛神星 (圖)
摩登都會 Modern Metropolis (圖)
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