韓Sir 資深英語教師
根據《基本法》,特區法官的委任是由行政長官根據一個獨立委員會的推薦而任命。這個獨立委員會,英文是"Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission" (JORC),中譯「司法人員推薦委員會」。這個委員會有9名成員:3名法官(judges),其中終審法院首席法官(Chief Justice)為當然主席,其餘2名由特首委任;3名律師(lawyers),其中律政司司長(Secretary for Justice)為當然委員,其餘2名是由特首諮詢大律師和律師專業團體後委任的一名大律師(barrister)和一名律師(solicitor)擔任;另加3名業外人士(persons not connected with the practice of law)。
"In relation to the appointment or removal of the Chief Justice, Judges of the Court of Final Appeal and the Chief Judge of the High Court, the Basic Law provides that the Chief Executive must obtain the endorsement of the Legislative Council and report such appointment or removal to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for the record." (「《基本法》規定,關於終審法院首席法官、終審法院法官和高等法院首席法官的委任和免職,行政長官須徵得立法會同意,並上報全國人民代表大會備案。」)
其一,公開的贊同、支持或認可。舉例:The democrats' victory is a clear endorsement of their party lines. (民主黨的勝利顯示人們對他們政策的支持。)
其二,對產品的宣傳。例句:That movie star received millions of dollars for her endorsement of a shampoo. (那明星收取了數百萬元來宣傳那洗髮水。)
其三,駕駛執照上的違章紀錄。例句:If you are convicted of drunk driving, the court can fine you and endorse your driving licence with penalty points. (若因醉駕定罪,法庭會判罰款,並在你的駕駛紀錄內扣分。)
"The consensus was that we should insulate the process of selecting judges from interference and from the political process. While the power to endorse the appointments is substantive, it does not mean routine participation." (我們曾就此事達成共識:委任法官應免除干預和政治過程的不良影響。立法會有權同意委任,但毋須常規參與。)