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2009年10月29日 星期四
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時人時事:立會大停電 議員鬥聲大

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2009-10-29]     我要評論






Legislators Spoke up as Power System in Legco Building Went down

The Legislative Council building for the first time experienced a ‘serious’ power failure as its electrical system tripped. The voice broadcasting system of the council chamber and the corridor lighting stopped functioning simultaneously. The meeting that was in progress had to move to another meeting room. According to Ms Pauline Ng, the secretary general of the LegCo, the power failure was probably due to the aging of the electrical system. The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department will conduct further tests on the system to find out the cause.

The power breakdown occurred at around 11:30 am on 22 October when there was a meeting in progress. The voice broadcasting system of the chamber and the corridor lighting went out of order into the afternoon. At the time of the breakdown, the Financial Committee was having a meeting. Members and public officers attending the meeting could only rely on their own voice and they spoke loudly because the microphones were not working. They had to speak at the top of their voices from their seats to keep the meeting going.

Ms Ng later told the media that the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department started conducting tests in phases immediately following the power failure in order to locate the problem circuit; however, they were not able to find the cause of the fuse tripping after having worked for half an hour. It was then decided that one of the electrical systems that served the electronic voice broadcasting and some of the lighting and air-conditioning systems would be maintained, but not the overall electricity supply to the building. As voice broadcasting in the chamber was not resumed, three meetings scheduled to take place there in the afternoon were rescheduled to another meeting room.

Commenting on the inability to reactivate the voice broadcasting system, Ms Ng attributed the cause to the failure of power supply by the general electrical system. The LegCo was considering the possibility of installing a separate power line for the voice broadcasting system so that it could still work with partial power supply should tripping occur again, she added. When asked about the House Committee meeting to be held in the chamber, she said the Council had made contingency plans including the connection of back-up power line to the chamber when necessary to ensure the smooth proceeding of the meeting.  ■translation by開明

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