The Night the Stars Fell
The Leonids(a meteor shower that originates in the direction of the constellation Leo)put on an extravagant show in the wee hours of an 1833 November morning. The sky was so brightly lit by meteors that for once people thought the Sun had risen. For 4 hours before the Sun rose, "stars" poured down as if the sky had broken apart and Judgment Day had finally come. It was estimated that some 200,000 meteors fell each hour.
Meteors are small grains of sand that plunge at high speed into the Earth's atmosphere and burn up. The Leonids are actually sand grains expelled from Comet Tempel-Tuttle while passing near the Sun.
The Leonids didn't always put on spectacular shows. However on the 18th of this November, we may be able to witness a brilliant meteor rainstorm. The shower peaks at around 05:30 with an estimated hourly rate of a hundred or higher meteors. Bracketing your observation by one or two days will be a wise strategy. ■甄枝強 資深天文愛好者