研究又調查父親喝酒對兒子精子的影響,但發現並無關係。 ■路透社 ■羅國偉 資深翻譯員
Alcohol in Pregnancy May Harm Sons' Sperm
Mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy may be damaging the fertility of their future sons, a study by Danish scientists.
The researchers found that if mothers had drunk 4.5 or more drinks a week while pregnant, the sperm concentration of their sons-measured about 20 years later-was a third lower than in men who were not exposed to alcohol while in the womb.
"Our study shows that there is an association between drinking a moderate amount of alcohol during pregnancy and lower sperm concentrations in sons," said Cecilia of Aarhus's department of occupational medicine, who led the research.
But she noted that because the study was an observational one, the scientists could not say for certain whether the alcohol intake was a cause of the lower sperm concentrations. If, however, the findings are replicated in future studies, that may help explain why semen quality has dropped in recent decades, and why it's better in some nations than others.
The Danish team studied 347 sons of 11,980 women who were taking part in the Danish "Healthy habits for two" study between 1984 and 1987. Around the 36th week of pregnancy the mothers answered a questionnaire on lifestyle and health. The sons were followed up between 2005 and 2006, when they were aged between 18-21, and semen and blood samples were collected and analysed.
The data showed that sons of mothers drinking 4.5 or more alcoholic drinks a week had average sperm concentrations of 25 million per millilitre, while the sons who were least exposed to alcohol had sperm concentrations of 40 million per ml.
The WHO defines a normal level of sperm concentration as being approximately 20 million per ml or more, but the chances of conception go up with increased sperm concentration up to 40 million per ml.
The researchers also investigated whether fathers' alcohol consumption had any effect, but found no link. ■Reuters