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2010年7月13日 星期二
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科學天地:受壓實驗鼠 抗癌能力較高

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-07-13]     我要評論









 實驗顯示,老鼠在受壓下會產生一種名為「腦源性神經營養因子」的大腦化學物質,這種物質會減少瘦素的製造,而瘦素是一種與胃口、黑色素瘤、前列腺癌和乳癌有關的荷爾蒙。科學家認為,瘦素越多,腫瘤便越少。瘦素在老鼠和人類身上的效用不同,而癌症的生長速度在被注射腫瘤的老鼠和人類身上亦各異;然而杜林相信,研究仍能在人類身上應用。 ■路透社 ■資深翻譯員 羅國偉

Stress Curbs Cancer in Mice

 Experiments with mice showed that animals put into a stressful situation, even fighting with other mice, did a better job of fighting tumors than mice left to chill out. They said their findings point to a possible neurological treatment for cancer.

 "The way we live, and how we live, may well have a much bigger impact on the prognosis of cancer than we recognized previously," Dr. Matthew During, a professor of neuroscience who worked on the study said.

 During's team injected mice with melanoma, a type of fast-growing skin cancer, and let the tumors grow. They put some of the mice in a large cage, with lots of toys, space and many more other mice than usual. Other mice stayed in ordinary lab cages.

 After 3 weeks, tumors shrank almost in half in the mice in the "stimulating" cage and they shrank 77 percent after 6 weeks. The tumors completely disappeared in 17 percent of the mice, with no other cancer treatment.

 During believes that more than simple stimulation is at work in the mice. The mice in the "enriched" cages were a little stressed out. "You find some of them with little bite marks and fight marks," said During.

 Although common wisdom holds that stress is not healthful, the body's response to stress is complex, and hormones released in response to stress can have positive effects.

 To show the benefits were not simply due to exercise, the researchers placed running wheels in the smaller cage. The mice ran up to 3 times as far as the mice in the large cage, but were not more resistant to cancer.

 Experiments to see what was happening biologically in the mice showed the stressed mice were producing more of a brain chemical called brain-derived neurotrophic factor. This compound reduces the production of leptin, a hormone linked with appetite and also associated with melanoma, prostate and breast cancer. The more leptin the mice produced, the smaller their tumors were.

 Leptin acts differently in mice than it does in humans, and cancer grows differently in mice injected with tumors than it does in people. But During believes the findings may nonetheless apply to people. ■Reuters

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