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2010年9月16日 星期四
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社評雙語道:勞資互讓妥協 落實最低工資

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-09-16]     我要評論




尊重機制決定 勿毀既有規則


定時檢討水平 引入援助措施


 Implementing the Minimum Wage in a Spirit of Mutual Understanding and Compromise

 The Provisional Minimum Wage Commission(PMWC) has reached a consensus regarding the level of minimum wage. According to sources, the initial minimum wage is going to be set at HK$28 an hour. To successfully implement the minimum wage, workers and employers have to uphold the principle of mutual understanding and compromise. Both parties should respect the mechanism for setting the minimum wage and accept the result achieved through consultations. Under the present situation in which workers and employers tend to be more reasonable and accommodating regarding the minimum wage level of HK$28 an hour, either side should refrain from using radical words or actions to air their demands, otherwise the implementation of minimum wage will go astray.

 The minimum wage level of approximately HK$28 an hour can be seen as a middle ground, but there is still a gap between this level and what is demanded by either the workers or the employers. It falls short of the HK$33 an hour that workers have asked and on the other hand it is way above the HK$22 to HK$25 an hour that employers have desired. With this particular level of minimum wage, workers will think that they are not given a pay enough to meet their daily needs while the employers will worry that the rise in labour cost will add extra burden to their business. In fact, there is a need for both sides to consider and understand each other's difficulties. Only when both parties are willing to compromise can an important step be made towards the implementation of the minimum wage in H.K.

 While working to set up the minimum wage level, the PMWC had actually taken into account a set of indices, such as those in the study report on income and working hours published by the Statistics Department, in order to conduct an objective, prudent and thorough study and analysis. As the mechanism for setting the level of minimum wage is practical and generally accepted, it is of the utmost importance that the relevant parties concerned respect the decision made under the mechanism. Even if the result does not meet their demands, the various sides should only seek to fight through consultation in the system and nobody should break the rule of the game.

 Upon the implementation of minimum wage, labour cost will increase and employers will more likely hire employees of higher productivities. The disadvantaged groups, such as the aged and the disabled, will definitely have to face difficulties in their employment. The Government has the duty to regularly review the effects of the minimum wage on the employment and livelihood of the grassroots and should promptly study the introduction of supplementary measures such as unemployment allowance so as to help the working poor to ease the hardship of maintaining a living. ■Translation by開明(chi.ming818@gmail.com)

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