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2011年3月4日 星期五
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社評雙語道:善待內地遊客 增港經濟動力

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-03-04]     我要評論

 ■梁偉文成為海洋公園第1億位遊客,一家四口獲贈海洋公園終身免費入場證。 資料圖片



Treat mainland visitors well and boost the local economy

  Last month the Ocean Park Hong Kong received the 100 millionth visitor in its 34 years of operation. Luck went to Mr. Leung, a local Hong Kong resident, his wife and their two little children. The family was on that day accompanying Mr. Leung's cousin and her family who had come from Hangzhou to the Ocean Park. The four members of the Leung family received a precious gift from the Ocean Park - free lifetime admission. The lucky person was a local Hong Konger, but the fact that he visited Ocean Park for accompanying his cousin from Hangzhou reveals that a relatively large number of visitors to the Ocean Park have come from the mainland. Now, mainland tourists represent a major driving force of not only the Hong Kong tourism industry but also the entire economy. The Hong Kong society should treat mainland tourists well in order to attract more visitors from the mainland and foster a further boost to the economy of Hong Kong.

  Mainland visitors now account for a major share of the local tourism industry. Last year, visitors coming to Hong Kong reported a record-breaking figure of more than 36 million, among which, 63% were mainland visitors. From the launch of the "individual visit" in 2003 to mid-2010, aggregate mainland visitors had reached 89 million, contributing HK$84 billion to the Hong Kong revenue and giving a great boost to the local economy. As more and more mainland visitors come, it is inevitable that some of them may display some uncivilized behavior. However, exaggerating the matter, making a sweeping generalization and willfully fanning local residents' hatred towards mainland visitors are contrary to the interests of Hong Kong. In fact, the mainland has recently put more emphasis on civilization education of its people. Most mainland visitors are civilized and polite; they get along very well with both the local people of Hong Kong and visitors from other parts of the world. Hong Kong should provide good services for mainland visitors so that more tourists from the mainland can be attracted to come and the tourism industry, as a major pillar of the local economy, can be further reinforced. ■Translation by開明


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