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2011年5月25日 星期三
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互動英語教室:I want to be an English teacher (2)

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-05-25]     我要評論

■遊戲小組有助幼童學習自律和懂得與人分享。 資料圖片

 Lily, graduated from the University of Hong Kong majoring in English literature, wants to become an English teacher. She found a job in an English learning centre for children last month. She believes that creativity can be developed at an early age. Creativity helps one solve problems in real life. Her friend Louise was wondering how playgroups can benefit children.

Louise: I heard that playgroups can benefit children on different aspects like cognitive(認知), language, social skills(社交技巧) and self-help, is it true?

Lily: You are right! The process of learning for the children is basically by learning through trial and error. A good playgroup programme offers a balanced variety of learning engagements that facilitates curiosity(好奇心), problem solving and creativity.

Louise: I read that children at 12 months begin to speak by imitating(模仿) their parents.

Lily: Yes. They will be exposed to a wider range of vocabulary by repeating rhymes(押韻), sing songs and stories. Since they interact with peers(同輩) in the playgroup, they can improve their communication skills.

Louise: By attending playgroups, children can interact with other children and parents. The longer they follow the daily schedule, play and interact in a group situation, they would become more aware of self-regulation and sharing.

Lily: Oh! You know a lot!

Louise: Haha! Just because I've read books about education!

 Lily showed Louise around the centre. Children can learn how to help themselves in their classes. The classrooms are built to accommodate young children with low table, chairs and shelves.

Louise: Like the ones we are sitting on right now?

  Louise found it fun to sit on a small stool(凳子) and was impressed by the colourful furniture.

Lily: Yes! They are specifically designed to give easy access to toys and materials and to encourage active exploration (勘探). Children are trained to be independent and can complete tasks by themselves.

Louise: Lily, thank you for giving me so much information today!

Lily: It's my pleasure!

Louise: Thank you! Have a great day!


1.) Do you think playgroups can benefit children? Why? Or Why not?

2.) If you were a teacher, how would you encourage children to think creatively?

 (They are open ended questions. No answers will be provided.)

 Please visit http://wwpenglishcolumn.blogspot. com to watch the video and learn some common phrases in English. ■By Lily Poon

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互動英語教室:I want to be an English teacher (2) (圖)
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