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2011年6月22日 星期三
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Whats' Up?:My new hairstyle (1)

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-06-22]     我要評論

■髮型師能根據顧客的面形設計出合適的髮型。 資料圖片

Do you know how important hair is? The main function of hair is to protect the head against the radiation(輻射) of the sun. It also prevents germs(病菌) and insects(昆蟲) from directly invading the scalp(頭皮). You should try to pick a hairstyle that makes you feel good about yourself. A good hair stylist(髮型師) can help you choose the best hairstyle for your face shape.

Matthew and Louise both believe that a new hairstyle can make them look different. They decided to go to a hair salon(髮型屋) together to get their hair cut and styled. However, they didn't make an appointment.

Lily: Assistant to hair stylist Nelson: hair stylist

Lily: Welcome. Do you have an appointment?

Matthew: No.

Lily: How can I help you?

Louise: I want to perm my hair and my friend wants to have a haircut.

Lily: No problem. This way please.

Lily has been working in this salon for one year. She wants to pursue her dream as a hair stylist. Being a hair stylist is not an easy job. It's not just about cutting people's hair but making your customers feel good. She also has to keep the working place clean and tidy so as to give a good impression to the customers. Lily introduced Nelson, the hair stylist, to Matthew and Louise.

Nelson: Do you have a style you like?

Matthew: I want the ends trimmed(修剪).

Nelson: Would you like to colour your hair?

Nelson showed Matthew the colour chart(顏色板) and explained to him which colours suit him. However, Matthew was not interested at all. Although he knew that changing his hair colour could be a dramatic change to his appearance, he didn't want to spend too much money on his hair.

Nelson: OK. Lily will wash your hair first.

Lily: What kind of shampoo(洗髮水) do you use?

Matthew: Just a very cheap one.

Lily: Oh! You need high quality shampoo and conditioner(護髮素) to keep your hair healthy and in good condition.

Lily washed Matthew's hair with expensive shampoo and massaged onto the scalp area of his head. Same as many other men, Matthew is scared to become bald(禿髮). Hair loss is a major problem for both women and men nowadays. Lily told him not to believe that combing his hair many times could stimulate(刺激) hair growth or to use unnecessary products which calmed that they could solve the problem. Nelson chose a new hair style for Matthew and he was very happy about it.


1. What are the functions of hair?

2. Why Matthew doesn't want to colour his hair?

3. What advice did Lily give Matthew about hair loss problem?


1. The main function of hair is to protect the head against the radiation of the sun.

2. Matthew doesn't want to spend too much money on his hair

3. Not to believe that combing the hair many times could stimulate hair growth or to use unnecessary products which calmed that they could solve the problem.

Please visit http://wwpenglishcolumn.blogspot.com to watch the video and learn some common phrases in English.  ■By Lily Poon

斬件分拆課本 書商「不保證減價」 (圖)
校長籲先撥部分買教材資金 (圖)
「未來之星」準記者 訪國新辦晤華清 (圖)
澳洲教博月 34院校參展
浸大增通識元素 必修「演說技巧」 (圖)
校園放大鏡:香港真光水運會綠社稱霸 (圖)
畫意空間:一起共舞 (圖)
求同存異:中美文化差異 互了解減衝突 (圖)
面對共同問題 東西各有看法 (圖)
工作與生活 取向大不同 (圖)
中美文化比較 (圖)
想一想: (圖)
Whats' Up?:My new hairstyle (1) (圖)
英語世界:Salt 鹽 (圖)
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