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2011年10月7日 星期五
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社評雙語道:教育病患學生 更應關愛包容

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-10-07]     我要評論





Educators should be more tolerant and caring towards students with illness

A form 4 student with early psychosis jumped to his death in school and last month the Coroner掇 Court made the ruling that it was death by suicide. The jury suggested the government examine whether integration into the current education system was suitable for mentally-ill patients, and also recommend allocating more resources to provide support for these students.

This case in which a student suffering from mental illness jumped to death in front of all teachers and students in the school was a rare and unusual one, ringing alarm bells in the education sector. The incident reflects a lack of care and tolerance on the side of the school in dealing with students who have mental health problems. The school had not taken into account the student's ability to bear adversities and had not handled his action of challenging school rules as a special case. The school should learn from this tragic experience and review their inadequacy in educating and caring for students with special needs. They should make comprehensive improvements to prevent similar tragedies from happening again. The government should take the advice given by the court and carefully review whether the current education system has provided schools with sufficient resources and support so that students with special needs can truly integrate into the community and lead a normal life after receiving education in normal schools.

Love is the basis and a prerequisite of education. This is especially important when students with learning difficulties are concerned. Confucius, the Great Teacher of all Ages, once said, 毣 benevolent man loves people.* The root of the many problems in the education system now in Hong Kong is not a lack of techniques but a lack of 涀enevolence*. Confucius stresses the importance of teaching students according to their aptitude and advocates the principle of providing education to people regardless of their social status. These doctrines still have infinite vitality and guiding power today. Especially when dealing with underprivileged students who have made mistakes, the school and teachers ought to be more tolerant. These students should be given more chances to correct themselves so that they can regain faith to make a success in their lives. ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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