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2011年10月21日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-10-21]     我要評論




China calls for creative leaders like Steve Jobs

Technology giant of our times, Steve Jobs, founder of the Apple Inc. of USA, passed away early this month. Key political and economic figures as well as numerous Apple fans around the world all expressed their deepest condolences. Steve Jobs was not only a talented computer genius but also a guiding spirit of innovations in the IT industry. Under the leadership of Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. rolled out design after design of revolutionary products which blended technology and information services into our daily life. These products, the favorites of many people, setting the trend of technological development and modern lifestyle, have changed the whole world. China is at the crux of economic transformation and more than ever it needs to develop creative talents like Steve Jobs. It is necessary that China establishes more innovative enterprises and enhances its technological competitiveness so that the country will not stand to lose in a state of global economy turmoil.

While enjoying a sustained rapid economic growth, China is transforming itself from being a manufacturing giant into an invention giant. China is urgently in need of leaders in the field of technological innovation, people like Steve Jobs, who can bring qualitative changes to the upgrading of the industrial sector with a kind of creative thinking that keeps perfecting itself. In his twilight years, Qian Xuesen, a most important scientist in China, asked this question from the bottom of his heart, 浠hy has China never been able to nurture its own outstanding talents?* This is the well-known 偓ian Xuesen Question*. On one hand, the key to this question is for the Chinese society to provide a free and liberal environment which allows greater space for creativity to demonstrate. On the other hand, entrepreneurs should also have the same spirit as Steve Jobs, i.e. be creative, enterprising, persevering, pioneering and adherent to truth. When these two conditions are met, it is very likely that the emergence of a Steve Jobs in China is just around the corner. ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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