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2014年4月2日 星期三
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】



■香港著名的維港夜景離不開電力的支撐。圖為遊客在香港尖沙咀觀看維港夜景。 資料圖片




Suitably purchasing electricity is environment-friendly and more cost effective

The government has launched a three-month public consultation on the future fuel mix for electricity generation in Hong Kong. The link between Hong Kong and the mainland is getting increasingly tight, so no matter what form of fuel mix Hong Kong adopts in future, it will inevitably be closely connected to the energy policy on the mainland. Hong Kong is a tiny place. Taken into consideration factors such as generation cost and land use, suitably purchasing electricity from the mainland power grid not only benefits environmental protection in Hong Kong but also provides better cost effectiveness. Certainly, for the purpose of enhancing power supply assurance, the Hong Kong government can adopt a two-fold strategy where the percentage of power generation by natural gas and also the share of electricity purchase from the mainland can both be increased.

In this public consultation, the government proposes two options for fuel mix in the future. One option is to increase the percentage of power generated by natural gas. The percentage of natural gas power will increase from the current 20% to 60% while renewable energy or coal-fired power will account for 20% and nuclear electricity imported from Daya Bay will remain at 20%. The other option is to purchase more electricity from the Southern China Power Grid on the mainland up to 30%. Natural gas generation will account for the other 40% and nuclear electricity from Daya Bay will be maintained at the level of 20%. Under this option, the percentage of coal-fired power will be reduced to 10% while imported electricity will make up 50% of the total power supply in Hong Kong. According to the first option, the percentage of power generated by natural gas will be increased; so investment needs to be made to install new generating units. Taking into account also the increase of the price of natural gas, the government estimates that the total power generation cost will rise and by then electricity tariff will be more or less the same as that of purchasing electricity from the mainland.

Historically and geographically, Hong Kong is closely connected to the development on the mainland in every aspect. Under 'one-country, two-systems', the motherland will support Hong Kong unfailingly in whatever beneficial to the special administrative region. The Hong Kong power grid is to link up to the mainland and purchasing electricity from the mainland is the unavoidable trend.(節自香港《文匯報》3月20日)■English Translation by Tung-ming

[ tungming23@gmail.com ]


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