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2014年4月11日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】

英文應試攻略:即時反應難度高 題型相似易捉路



■Dr. A. Chan


早前與考生分享一些應付group interaction(小組討論)的技巧。今期會探討應如何處理Individual response(個人回應)。個人回應主要測試即時反應,對平日較少講英語的考生來說,可能很難應付。那是否表示同學應放棄?當然不是!其實,只要留意以下幾點,可在短時間內大幅提升能力:

多了解試題:考試局每年的題目都很相似。個人回應部分的問題都與小組討論有關,例如:若小組討論的文章關於summer jobs,可能會在個人回應部分遇到這些問題:What type of summer jobs would you choose? Do you think summer jobs benefit students? 考生可多用question words,如how、which、what、who、why,思考可能遇到的問題。

預先組織答案:雖無辦法預知問題,但卻可預先組織答案。從past papers可知考評局期望考生能作出選擇或提出意見(make a choice or opinion)並加以解釋(explain)或引用例子(evidence)證明。例如:

Question: What do you think of idol worshipping?

Answer 1: I think it is common that teenagers may have idols and my favorite idol is G Dragon. I see no harm in idol worshipping.

Answer 2: In my opinion, idol worshipping should not be encouraged (OPINION). Some idols are not good role models for teenagers to follow. They have not set a good example. They are found smoking in the public or may dress indecently. Some are even caught for speeding or possessing drugs. Indeed, if the teens spend too much time on talking about idols, they may overlook their studies. (REASONS) Thus, I believe idol worshipping basically distracts students from their studies and it should be discouraged. (CONCLUSION STATEMENT)


多用連接詞 答案更有組織

最後,也可多用transitional words(連接詞)令答案更有組織,譬如first、second和third等。


Complete the following sentences with appropriate transitions.

1. There are many advantages of sharing a flat with another family member. ________ , s/he can share the rent with me. After all, Hong Kong is an expensive city and the monthly rent usually costs more than HKD 10,000. ________ , s/he can help me with the household chores. ________ , living with another family member makes me feel less lonely.


1.There are many advantages of sharing a flat with another family member. To begin with/First, s/he can share the rent with me. After all, Hong Kong is an expensive city and the monthly rent usually costs more than HKD 10,000. Also/Second, s/he can help me with the household chores. The most important of all/More importantly/Third, living with another family member makes me feel less lonely. (Answers can vary)


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