雲端 戀人三之二
We ask you a simple question. Who are you? What can you be? Where are you going? What's out there? What are the possibilities? Elements Software is proud to introduce the first artificially intelligent operating system(我們問你一條簡單問題。你是誰?你可成為甚麼?你正往何處去?有甚麼可能?「元素軟件」很榮幸向你介紹第一個人工智能操作系統)。
An intuitive entity that listens to you, understands you, and knows you. It's not just an operating system, it's a consciousness. Introducing OS ONE - a life changing experience, creating new possibilities(一個有自覺力的個體,聆聽你,明白你,懂得你。它不只是一個操作系統,它是有意識的。現在向你介紹「操系一號」──一個改變生命的體驗,創造新的可能)。
人「腦」互動 反映現實
OS voice: Hello, I'm here(你好,我在這兒)。
Theodore: Oh, hi(噢,妳好)。
O: Hi, how are you doing(你好,你各樣好嗎)?
T: I'm well. How is everything with you(我很好。你各方面好嗎)?
O: Pretty good, actually. It's really nice to meet you(頗好,真的。實在很高興認識你)。
T: Yeah, it's nice to meet you, too. What should I call you? Do you have a name(對,我也很高興認識妳。我應怎樣稱呼妳?妳有名字嗎)?
O: Yes. Samantha(有,薩曼莎)。
接下來的內容便描述西奧多與薩曼莎的感情發展,一段人和電腦的友誼以至愛情。這種背景自然很吸引。但其實這頗寫實,因為現在的人工智能(artificial intelligence, AI)已不難做到類似的事,至少以上人和電腦的對話已司空見慣──單從「她」的對答,我們根本無法猜到「她」是真人還是電腦呢。■余功