下文節錄自香港《文匯報》10月11日報道:「巴基斯坦少女馬拉拉致力爭取女童受教育機會,前年遭塔利班槍擊,康復後仍繼續為兒童權利發聲, 得到挪威諾貝爾委員會肯定。她與印度反童工運動家薩蒂亞爾希10日共同獲頒本年度諾貝爾和平獎,以表揚二人『為對抗兒童和年輕人所受壓迫、爭取兒童受教育權利所作的奮鬥』。分析指,委員會安排印巴人士一起獲獎,是暗中呼籲兩國停止爭端。」各位會怎樣把這段話翻譯成英文?
「巴基斯坦少女馬拉拉致力爭取女童受教育機會」:「巴基斯坦」的形容詞是Pakistani;「馬拉拉」的英文全名是Malala Yousafzai;「致力爭取」可說struggle for;「女童受教育機會」可說the education opportunities of girls。
「前年遭塔利班槍擊,康復後仍繼續為兒童權利發聲」:「塔利班」是the Taliban;「槍擊」的動詞是shoot;「康復」是recover;「繼續為兒童權利發聲」可說continue to speak up for children's rights。
「得到挪威諾貝爾委員會肯定」:「挪威」是Norway;「諾貝爾委員會」是Nobel Committee;「肯定」可說recognise。
「她與印度反童工運動家薩蒂亞爾希昨日共同獲頒本年度諾貝爾和平獎」:「印度」是India;「反童工」是against child labour;「運動家」是campaigner;「薩蒂亞爾希」的英文全名是Kailash Satyarthi;「頒」是award;「諾貝爾和平獎」是Nobel Peace Prize。
「以表揚二人『為對抗兒童和年輕人所受壓迫、爭取兒童受教育權利所作的奮鬥』」:「以表揚」用for表示便可;「為對抗兒童和年輕人所受壓迫、爭取兒童受教育權利所作的奮鬥」的英文原文是for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education。
「分析指,委員會安排印巴人士一起獲獎」:「分析」是analysis,複數是analyses;「印巴人士」是an Indian and a Pakistani。
「是暗中呼籲兩國停止爭端」:「暗中」可說;subtly,即「隱晦地」;「呼籲」可說appeal for;「停止爭端」是可說end conflicts。
因此全段可英譯如下:Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai has been struggling for the education opportunities of girls. Though shot by the Taliban two years ago, she continued to speak up for children' rights after she recovered. This was recognised by Norway's Nobel Committee. Together with India's Kailash Satyarthi, a campaigner against child labour, she was jointly awarded this year's Nobel Peace Prize on 10th October for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education'. Analyses claimed that the Committee arranged an Indian and a Pakistani to receive the award together in order to subtly appeal for the two countries to end their conflicts. ■MT Ness
1. 諾貝爾獎共有六項,第一個是「生理學或醫學」,英文叫甚麼?
2. 最後宣布的諾貝爾獎是「經濟學」,英文叫甚麼?
3. 今年的諾貝爾文學獎由法國哪位作家獲得?
1. physiology or medicine;
2. economic sciences;
3. 莫迪亞諾(Patrick Modiano)。