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2016年5月9日 星期一
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News buddy:【原文】百年普立茲續為不幸者鳴


■路透社得獎攝影師Yannis Behrakis拍攝的中東難民搶灘照片。 網上圖片


美國新聞業年度盛事、第一百屆普立茲獎(Pulitzer Prizes)4月18日揭盅。美聯社(Associated Press)獲得最具分量的公共服務獎,《紐約時報》(The New York Times)及路透社(Reuters)則共同分享最佳突發新聞攝影獎。


美聯社記者的文字、照片及影片引起國際反響,相關執法部門隨即採取行動,拯救出數以千計的漁工及其他勞工,並拘捕(arrest)幕後主腦,充公(seizure)數以百萬計美元的貨物和剝蝦廠(shrimp peeling plant)。


美聯社執行總編輯卡羅爾讚揚今次報道的記者:「他們為沒有話語權(voice)的人站出來,用我們的工具去告訴全世界,並將錯誤的東西糾正(right wrongs)。」今次是美聯社歷來第五十二個普立茲獎,也是這家過百年歷史通訊社首個公共服務獎。

突發新聞攝影獎則由路透社及《紐約時報》憑中東難民(refugees)搶灘系列奪獎,這些照片揭示難民為上岸,即使多番跌倒及躺在沙灘,也絕不放棄的堅持。路透社駐希臘(Greece)及賽浦路斯(Cyprus)首席攝影師(chief photographer)貝赫拉基斯稱:「我們就是要向世界展示現時正在發生什麼,以及全球所關心的事,並顯出人性(humanity)仍未泯滅。我們令這些不幸(unfortunate)的人士得以發聲,如今得到普立茲獎,感到我們的工作已得到專業認同(recognize)。」貝赫拉基斯將聯同《紐時》的希克斯、利馬、波諾馬廖夫和埃特共同奪獎。

其他獎項方面,《洛杉磯時報》(Los Angeles Times)因報道加州(California)聖貝納迪諾恐怖襲擊(terrorist attack)和後續調查報道,獲得突發新聞獎。佛羅里達州(Florida)《坦帕灣時報》(Tampa Bay Times)和《薩拉索塔先驅論壇報》(Sarasota Herald-Tribune),則因報道佛州多家精神病院(mental health hospital)忽視病人和暴力事件頻發,共同獲得調查報道獎。

【譯文】Centennial Pulitzers keep speaking for the unheard

The 100th annual Pulitzer Prizes, American journalism's highest honor, were announced on April 18. The Associated Press won the prize for public service, the most prestigious of all. The New York Times and Reuters shared the prize for breaking news photography.

AP journalists Margie Mason, Robin McDowell, Martha Mendoza and Esther Htusan spent 18 months tracking loads of men from Myanmar and other Southeast Asian countries who, imprisoned in an island village in Indonesia, were forced to be slave labors for fishing and processing shrimps. The processed seafood would then be sold to the supermarkets, restaurants and pet stores in the U.S.

The stories, photos and videos in the report drew international attention and urged related law enforcement units to take immediate actions. It helped free thousands of fishermen and other labors, the arrest of traffickers, the seizure of millions of dollars in goods and the crackdown on shrimp peeling plants.

"We stand up for people who don't have a voice, that we use the tools of our craft to inform the world and right wrongs that need to be righted," AP Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll spoke highly of the four reporters' contribution. This is the news agency's 52nd Pulitzer but the very first for public service.

Reuters and The New York Times were awarded for their photo coverage of the Middle Eastern refugees who, upon arriving in Europe, kept rushing ashore while continually falling and tripping on the beach. "We showed the world what was going on, and the world cared. It showed that humanity is still alive," said Yannis Behrakis, the Reuters chief photographer for Greece and Cyprus. "We made for these unfortunate people's voice to be heard. Now with a Pulitzer, we feel that our work has been professionally recognized." Behrakis shared the prize with Tyler Hicks, Mauricio Lima, Sergey Ponomarev and Daniel Etter of The New York Times.

The breaking news reporting went to the Los Angeles Times for its coverage chronicling a terrorist attack and its aftermath that happened in San Bernardino, California. The Tampa Bay Times and the Sarasota Herald-Tribune shared the prize for investigative reporting for collaboratively exposing Florida's mental health hospitals' indifference and frequent violence to patients.■龐嘉儀


1. 「話語權」除了可以用voice表達外,還可用s__?

2. 除了新聞界別外,普立茲獎還會對哪兩個範疇作出表彰?

3. 今屆普立茲獎是由美國哪所大學負責籌劃?


1. Say

2. Literature(文學)、musical composition(音樂)

3. Columbia University(哥倫比亞大學)

News buddy:【原文】百年普立茲續為不幸者鳴 (2016-05-09) (圖)
跳出框框 跨科學環保 (2016-05-09) (圖)
心康理得:改變從「心」做起 (2016-05-09)
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