This park in China transforms abandoned buses into adorable themed love hotels.
Fancy a romantic getaway in an abandoned bus?
Erm, maybe not. But that might change after you see these.
The owners of the Tai Tai Mountain Park in Taiyuan in the Shanxi Province in China have spent the last few years taking old, abandoned buses and turning them into snazzy love hotels (love hotels are hotels designed especially for couples to have sneaky rendezvous in, btw) - each with their own special theme.
And yes, they are very themed. Think Hello Kitty and Mickey Mouse. Bit weird for a sexy stay in the outdoors, but whatever floats your boat (or drives your bus).
想一想Hello Kitty和米奇老鼠。有點不可思議, 外在性感,內在任你逍遙(或駕駛你的巴士)。
The bus renovation project has cost the owners £6,500 per bus, and they've already converted forty buses into hotels. They plan to turn 200 buses into mini hotels by July.
點石成金可成「to turn rocks into gold」或者「the Midas touch」,後者源自一個希臘神話。
「Whatever floats your boat」是句成語,意思悉隨尊便,巴士公園是沒有船的。
另外,酒店據等級分為酒店(hotel)、汽車旅館(motel)、民宿(inn)、家庭旅館也稱賓館或青年旅社(guest house or lodge),歐美流行給過路客的另一實惠選擇,那是只供Bed and Breakfast住宿加早餐的旅店,簡稱「B&B」。■林健根 會計師