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【恒管英萃】好蛋隨身 壞蛋退散

■英國諺語中不少和雞蛋有關。 資料圖片■英國諺語中不少和雞蛋有關。 資料圖片

趁仍是農曆正月,又是丁酉雞年,就從與雞難分難解的「雞蛋」學習英語,祝願good egg(貴人、美事)隨身,bad egg(壞蛋)速遠離,萬事如意,as sure as eggs is eggs(毋庸置疑)。

當「雞先還是蛋先?」仍未有定案,英語 a chicken-and-egg situation亦表示難分先後之狀︰ It's such a chicken-and-egg situation to tell whether tall people usually like to play basketball or playing basketball helps get tall. (究竟高人愛打籃球,還是打籃球幫助增高?因果難分!)

難分的還有雞蛋千變萬化的料理方法。How do you want / like your egg?(你想要哪種蛋?)


先來個帶殼(with shell)直接放進滾水煮的boiled egg(水煮蛋),當中再分hard-boiled(全熟)和soft-boiled(半熟)。全熟蛋顧名思義就是蛋白(egg white)和蛋黃(egg yolk)全熟,打在頭上你比它還痛!因此a hard / tough egg / nut to crack表示難以理解或處理的人或事︰I still don't know what kind of a person he is after working with him for a decade. He's one hard egg to crack.(跟他工作十年我仍不知他是何方神聖,真叫人摸不着頭腦。)

半熟水煮蛋多見於在英國古代宮殿電影中貴族家庭悠閒地享用早餐,他們將半熟水煮蛋放在精美的盛蛋器(egg holder)中,用湯匙輕拍蛋頭(tap the top of the egg with a spoon),再用湯匙舀出嫩滑流汁蛋黃(scoop out the soft yolk)。


別以為水煮蛋輕而易舉哦︰Let's dine out for your birthday. I can't even boil an egg.(外出進餐以慶祝你的壽辰吧!我連蛋也不會煮。)Can't boil an egg泛指不諳廚藝,就如即食麵也不會煮般。

將脫殼蛋直接打進滾水,待煮熟蛋白而蛋黃仍未熟(runny yolk)時,拿出就成為poached egg(半熟水煮荷包蛋)。或來個fried egg(煎蛋)吧,一面蛋白煎得微焦(可以brown形容微焦),另一面則是半熟蛋黃,就如飽滿圓潤的太陽,就是sunny-side up(單面荷包蛋),煎熟兩面和蛋黃則是over-egg / over hard。

不愛完全流心亦不喜全熟的荷包蛋?工夫了得可考慮煎成over light(煎三成熟)、over easy(煎四成熟)、over medium(煎半熟)或over well(煎九成熟)。自問廚藝未精欲託人煎蛋,小心別說 Go fry an egg,因這解作「走開!別煩我!」


有煮有煎,當然亦有scrambled egg(炒蛋)。由於形態相似,西方軍服或軍帽上的階級徽章亦在坊間稱作scrambled eggs。Omelet(煎蛋捲、奄列)亦是受歡迎的蛋類早餐,可按個人喜好加入mushroom(蘑菇)、ham(火腿)、bacon(培根)、green pepper(青椒)、cheese(芝士)、tomato(番茄)或onion(洋蔥)等,但沒有打蛋就稱不上是奄列了︰You may need to spend less time with your friends but more on your studies if you want to get into your dream university. But you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.(要入讀心儀大學你便要多點時間溫習、少點時間耍樂,但謹記︰不破不立。)

愛中式料理的亦可享用marinated / salted / preserved duck egg(鹹蛋)或custard with minced pork / steamed meat cake with egg yolk(肉餅蒸蛋);愛日式料理則可選舉omelet rice / omurice(蛋包飯)。■鍾可盈博士 恒生管理學院英文學系高級講師


