Instructions: Read the clues (information that helps you to find the answers) and write the answers in the boxes. Each answer starts with the last letter of the word before it. The last word finishes in the first letter of the first word.
Answers for last Friday¡]10/20¡^
Æ¡ a word which makes a verb negative
Æ¢ the day after today
Æ£ many trees together
Ƥ not light
Æ¥ it cuts
Ʀ the opposite of west
Ƨ use a watch to know the _______
ƨ a very big, grey animal
Æ© not alone; with other people, for example, "We are going on holiday _______ in August"
ƪ "very much, for example, 'I _______ love chocolate"'
11 12 months
12 water falling from the sky
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