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"Hong Kong experience" should rest on quality

¡iĶ¤å¡jIn response to the recent release of the government's "Development Blueprint for Hong Kong's Tourism Industry", a local political party has drafted a proposal for its sustainable development.

The proposal examined the overall global trends of tourism development and the current status of the local market. Inspired by the experience of other countries such as Singapore, several long-term measures were put forward with a view to making the industry more competitive. To name a few, there were suggestions on diversion of tourists, diversification of travel products, and development of a smart tourism city.

It is an inconvenient truth that the development of our tourism industry has been on the wrong track by putting quantity over quality. As the negative effects are now beginning to surface, there are pressing needs to bring targeted measures and improvements.

Singapore striking hard

Among our global competitors, Singapore bears the most similarities with Hong Kong, so their experience in tourism development is invaluable. According to the Singapore Tourism Board, their most important objective is to guarantee a unique "Singapore experience" to their visitors.

The key to their success is a combined effort in hardware expansion and software enhancement-a combination of new infrastructure and more products of higher creativity. As it requires more qualified employees in the relevant sector, different funds are also made available for staff training. Higher-value job opportunities are created as a result, effectively making her tourism industry more attractive to job seekers.

In contrast, large-scale tourism infrastructure upgrades have been locally rare except the expansion of Disneyland and Ocean Park. Along with this, low-end tourism malpractices like forced-shopping tours, which flout bans, has greatly hampered Hong Kong's progress .

See Luxembourg and Brunei

Luxembourg is also an example to learn from. Being one of the European financial centres, with six major Chinese banks all placing their European headquarters there, business tourism in the forms of convention, exhibition and business travelling plays a major role in the country's tourism. Her government focuses on establishing high-end tourism codes.

As an international financial centre and a world-class convention and exhibition centre, Hong Kong is very well suited for high-end tourism. Bearing in mind the sector's reception capacity, the focus should be placed on overnight visitors, who generally spend more.

Now take a look at Brunei. In order to reduce dependency on the energy sector, Brunei has been actively advancing its tourism in recent years. It has seen rapid growth under the "E-Government Strategic Plan", which brings together the hospitality and tourism industry.

Hong Kong should also evolve into a smart tourism city that blends the mobile business service platforms of travel and retail services. By integrating and analysing travellers' data, tailor-made information and services could be provided, helping visitors save time and resources.

These successful experiences are valuable insight in shaping the future of the local tourism. The authorities and the industry should cooperate to transform and upgrade our tourism, to foster a taste of unique "Hong Kong experience".¡½Jeffrey Tse [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]


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2. Á`³¡

3. ±µ«Ý¯à¤O

4. ÂŹÏ

5. ±j­¢Áʪ«¹Î


1. MICE tourism (meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions)

2. headquarters

3. reception capacity

4. blueprint

5. forced-shopping tours

