°¸µM¦bºô¤W¬Ý¨ì1970¦~¹q¼v¡m·R±¡ªº¥N»ù¡nªº¦P¦W¥DÃD¦± ¡A§@µüªÌ¥s¬À±ö¡A¦]¬°¦³^¤å¦r¹õ¡AŪ«áı±o¤¤¦è¬y¦æºqµüªº¬ü¾ÇÆ[©À»á¤£¬Û¦P¡AÃø¥H½Ķ¡A¤]¦³½ì¡Cºqµü¬O¡G
§Ú¹³¬O®üÃ䪺¤pªá¡@¡@I'm like a tiny flower on the seashore¡@
³s®Ú®IÂæbªd¨F¡@¡@¡@I strike my root in the sand¡@
¸g¤£°_¯P¤éªº·ÓÄ£¡@¡@I can't stand the scorching sun¡@
¨ü¤£¤F·§j©M«B¥´¡@¡@I fear rain and wind¡@
§Ú§CþÓÀY¨à¦bµ¥«Ý¡@¡@I bow my head and in silence I wait¡@
§Æ±æ¶Â©]§Ö¨ì¹F¡@¡@¡@I'm waiting for the coming of night¡@
¬O¤Ñ·N·|¹J¨ì¤F§A¡@¡@But providence let me to you¡@
²¾´Ó§Ú¨ìÓ·Å·xªº®a¡@Providence found me a warm home¡@
©h®Q§r©h®Q¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@Oh little girl, little girl¡@
¬O§A±a§Ú½Ä¥X¤F¦Û«ØªºÆX¯¹¡@You helped me break through my isolation¡@
©h®Q§r©h®Q¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@Oh little girl, little girl¡@
¬O§A¨Ï§Ú¤ßÀYªº·R]¤SªøªÞ¡@You've made love bud in my heart¡@
¥unÅý§Ú¨£¨ì¤F±mÁø¡@If I can just see the sunset glow¡@
§ÚÄ@·N§Ô¨ü·R±¡ªº¥N»ù¡@I don't mind to suffer for love!¡@
Hank Williamsªº¡mYour cheatin' heart¡n¡G
Your cheatin' heart
Will make you weep
You'll cry and cry
And try to sleep
But sleep won't come
The whole night through
Your cheatin' heart will tell on you...
§ó¦ªºToo young©Î±µ¤U¨ÓªºWhatever will be will be¡BI want to hold your hand¡BSave your kisses for me¡BHopelessly devoted to you¡BYou belong with me ³£²@¤£¿Ð¨¥¡C·Pı¬O¤¤¤åºqµüªø©ó°Èµê¡A^¤åºqµüµ½©ó¼g¹ê¡A©Ò¥H¤¤¤å¥H·N¹Ò¨£ªø¡A^¤å¥H¥¥Õ¨ú³Ó¡A¬Æ¦Ü¨ä¥LÃÀ³N¤]¦p¦¹¡C
¨Ò¦pCharles Dickens
¦b¡mGreat Expectations¡n¼g¥D¨¤ªº©j©j¡G
My sister, Mrs. Joe, with black hair and eyes, had such a prevailing redness of skin that I sometimes used to wonder whether it was possible she washed herself with a nutmeg-grater instead of soap. She was tall and bony, and almost always wore a coarse apron, fastened over her figure behind with two loops, and having a square impregnable bib in front, that was stuck full of pins and needles.
¤é±`¥Í¬¡¡A¦è¤H¤@¥yHappy birthday to you¡A¤¤¤å¦±µ§¬°¡u®¥¯¬§AºÖ¹Ø»P¤Ñ»ô......·³·³³£¦³¤µ´Â¡C¡v¡m·R±¡ªº¥N»ù¡n¨ººØ^Ķ¡A¦è¤HŪ¨ÓÀ³¸Ó¦³ÂI¤°»ò¡C¤£¬O»¡^¤åºqµü¤£ªp¤£³ë¡A¿ß¤ý©TµM¦³Like a river flows surely to the sea¡BYou ain't nothin' but a hound dog¡A Simon and Garfunkel§ó¥[¦³¸Ö·N¡A¥u¬O±q³W¼Ò¦Ó½×ªº·Pı¦Ó¤w¡AÁÙ±æŪªÌ«ü¥¿¡C ¡½ùڥͺ޲z¾Ç°|½Ķ¤å¾ÇºÓ¤h¡]°Ó°È»Pªk«ß¡^½Òµ{Á`ºÊ§õ¼C¶¯³Õ¤h