延長產假和全額支薪,表面看增加了企業成本,但必須看到,良好的生育福利體現企業對員工的關懷,增強員工對企業的歸屬感,有利提升工作效率,為公司創造更大價值,更重要的是為香港未來發展提供人力資源。本港不少大型企業已主動提供比政府規定更長的產假,藉此增加對優秀人才的吸引力,樹立良好的企業文化和企業形象。政府可以研究為延長產假的企業提供適當補貼,減輕中小企業的壓力。 (標題為編輯所加) (摘錄自香港文匯報社評8-3-2018)
Family-friendly policy can enhance employees' efficiency
【譯文】Hong Kong is among the most developed economies in the world, yet maternity welfare and protection in the city is lagging far behind her global counterparts. The implementation of fully paid and extended maternity leave, along with other improvements, could encourage childbearing and thereby relieve the pressure of an ageing population. Likewise, the enhanced benefits could provide a boost to employee morale and thus provide stimulus to the economy.
In the various attempts to cope with rapidly ageing populations, first world governments around the globe have unanimously resorted to expanding maternity leave. The Hong Kong government has long encouraged parenthood in the society, however the corresponding policies have not been optimised and a concerted effort is clearly lacking. Working women in Hong Kong are currently entitled to a statutory 10-week maternity leave which is paid at 80 per cent of their salary, and can start up to four weeks before the expected delivery date. On the other hand, men are entitled to 3 days of paternity leave at 80 per cent of normal pay since 2015.
In vivid contrast to Hong Kong, working women in countries such as France, Germany, South Korea, Singapore and China all enjoy fully paid maternity leaves, most of which are also longer in duration. For instance, the province that has the shortest maternity leave in China still boast 128 days of leave, while in the UK it could span as long as a whole year.
Statutory maternity leave pay in Hong Kong was last raised from two thirds of normal salary to 80 per cent in 1995, and has not been reviewed again for the past 22 years. Expanding maternity leave and boosting parenthood welfare are going to be inevitable.
Faced with an increasingly aged population and its consequential socio-economic impact, pro-natalist policies are the local government's best instrument to both alleviate the said problems and enhance competitiveness. There are many factors that affect desire for childbearing, such as high pressure from work, income polarisation, and unaffordable home prices. It is very unlikely that these factors can be changed in the short term.
Maternity leave extension, on the contrary, could achieve results relatively quickly. The government and the private sector should step up their efforts in its implementation.
Expanded and fully paid maternity leave might seem to be an extra cost for businesses at first glance. However, one must also understand that a family-friendly policy could show how the company care for its employees, thus enhancing their sense of belonging, efficiency and productivity. More importantly is that, in the long run, better parental leave policies could help provide human resources to Hong Kong's development in the future.
In an attempt to attract better candidates in the labour market and build up a better corporate image, many large enterprises in Hong Kong have already rolled out maternity leave policies that are more generous when compared with the statutory requirements.
The government could explore the possibilities of subsidising companies that agree to expand parental leave benefits, so as to ease the burden on small and medium-sized enterprises.■Jeffrey Tse [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]
1. fertility rate
2. population ageing
3. paternity leave
4. statutory
5. corporate social responsibility