秋山閒眺圖(沈周)Strolling in autumn mountains by Shen Zhou
水墨設色紙本立軸 Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper
Shen Zhou (1427–1509) was a native of Suzhou, Jiangsu province. His grandfather and father were painters. As a young painter, he worked in small formats with restrained and tightly-woven brushstrokes, a style which became known as the "fine Shen". After the age of forty, he adopted large formats and painted in a bold and expressive manner, which came to be termed as the "rough Shen" style. Shen's students included Wen Zhengming (1470–1559) and Tang Yin (1470–1523). He was hailed as the most prominent master of the "Wu School of Painting" and one of the four masters of the Ming. Shen was also proficient in poetry and calligraphy where he followed the style of the calligrapher Huang Tingjian (1045–1105). ■香港藝術館展品