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2009年12月1日 星期二
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科學天地:吸二氧化碳保環境 海藻有望變燃料

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2009-12-01]     我要評論















 ■資深翻譯員 羅國偉

Algae May be Secret Weapon in Climate Change War

 Driven by fluctuations in oil prices, and seduced by the prospect of easing climate change, experts are ramping up efforts to squeeze fuel out of a promising new organism: pond scum.

 As it turns out, algae─slimy, fast-growing and full of fat─is gaining ground as a potential renewable energy source.

 Experts say it is intriguing for its ability to gobble up carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, while living happily in places that aren't needed for food crops.

 Algae likes mosquito-infested swamps, for example, filthy pools, and even waste water. And while no one has found a way to mass produce cheap fuel from algae yet, the race is on.

 University labs and start-up companies across the country are getting involved. Over the summer, the first mega-corporation joined in, when ExxonMobil said it would sink 600 million dollars into algae research in a partnership with a California biotechnology company.

 If the research pans out, scientists say they will eventually find a cost-effective way to convert lipids from algae ponds into fuel, then pump it into cars, trucks and jets.

 "I think it's very realistic. I don't think it's going to take 20 years. It's going to take a few years," said chemical engineer George Philippidis, director of applied research at Florida International University in Miami.

 "We could hook up to the exhaust of polluting industries," Philippidis said. "We could capture it and feed it to algae and prevent that CO2 from contributing to further climate change."

 "Where algae is very nice, it's prolific. It's everywhere......and you don't have to do much. Mother Nature has kind of figured it out," said Roy Swiger, a molecular geneticist and director of the Florida division of the non-profit Midwest Research Institute.

 MRI began studying algae as an energy source 3 years ago. Swiger warned that algal fuels are not ready for prime time yet. Even though algae grows like gangbusters, it currently costs up to 100 dollars to make a gallon of algal fuel─hardly a savings.

 The rub is bringing cost down, and production up. To do this, scientists must find cheap ways to dry algae and extract the lipids.

 Swiger noted that it would not make sense to spend 5 dollars of electricity to run a centrifuge to dry out algae, that in turn would only produce one dollar of fuel.

 If research goes well, Swiger thinks it will take 5 years to bring down production costs to 40 dollars per gallon.


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